Thursday, February 13, 2020

Top 3 Least Favorite Fairly Odd Parents Episodes

I don't like Fairly Odd Parents, at least not anymore. I watched the show when it was new, saw a bulk of the Poof episodes, dropped out before Sparky and Chloe hit the scene and beyond nostalgia, I have no reason to go back to the show. I bring this up because a lot of the episodes on this list come before the more infamous years of the show, some even from the first, good way to bring some variety to an otherwise predictable list collection.

I'd give a trigger warning, but then again I spout endlessly at more popular shows. By the way, I will be counting my favorite Fairly Odd Parents episodes, and unlike a 3D plumber from many years ago, it will happen in some form, don't know when, but it will.

So list, list start now, I am doing list now.

The Big Problem

Wait, I'm telling you that I don't like where this series began? Well I don't like this episode, but I don't think it's as bad as the next ones on the list. To get this out of the way, going into the show, for me it was just meh. I tuned into the show, but it didn't stick with me as well as others did. I checked out a handful of Fairly Odd Parents episodes on YouTube to determine my current consensus and compared to the few I've seen from the first season, this held up poorly for me.

I think a reason for that is that it details adult life and since I'm an adult, it's no longer appealing to me, plus the execution and the fact that there's little meat to the overall plot. Timmy wishes he was an adult, it turns out to suck, and yes, that's basically it. But the way they go about it isn't the best. You know that moral about appreciating your younger years? Well this episode essentially tells you that you'd be better off dead instead of an adult, at least that's how they imply it (plus making Timmy's adult form ugly.

Come to think of it, lots of classic Nickelodeon shows go about morals the same way (even copying most jokes wholesale, but for another time.)

Timmy's 2-D House of Horrors

Just to get this out of the way. It's a Wishful Life won't be on this list. It just didn't piss me off for some reason (maybe it's because of my cynicism, maybe I've seen worse, maybe it's the fact that it got overblown because it was covered in Mr. Enter's earlier days.) It's only bad if you treat cartoon characters like real people (plus, everyone's an asshole in real life, some just go about it differently.)
The episode before this pissed me off more, and frankly it was a lot more mean-spirited in my opinion. If it hadn't been for this episode being paired with It's a Wishful Life, this probably would've been covered in some capacity.

How is this worse by my standards? It's somehow a lot more mean spirited and ends on a somehow fouler note. The episode centers on Timmy accidentally destroying Vicky's house, now the family has to live with the Turners. They waste no time in fucking with Timmy, if the parents' ignorance of Vicky's evil was annoying for you... well take a guess what I'm gonna say next, because that's it. That's the episode, aside from a running joke that is hammered into the ground (it mocks 3D effects in older films, but the way they go about it is all wrong. Fairly Odd Parents made fun of pop culture, but they could never compete with other shows that did it better.

If there's an excuse for this episode that everything that happened is fine because Timmy deserved it, I pray you never reproduce.

Power Mad

Oh yeah, I didn't like the first two episodes, while The Big Problem wasn't that good, it at least had enough material to justify its length. This episode feels rushed, and that seems to be the case with many episodes of shows themed around video games (at least the ones I've seen, well one, Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase.) Timmy wishes he could be part of a video game that offers a grander challenge than what he normally encounters and the only caveat is that if he and his friends who get trapped in there lose all three of their lives they'll die for real, and the only thing keeping them from winning (aside from not giving a shit) is running a lot of power.

Nice premise, right? Well don't expect good execution to go along with it. That video game concept? Glanced over most of the time. The power aspect? Vicky's running a lot of power, but wait, Cosmo and Wanda could easily run a motion generator, that power conflict was useless (and its introduction was forced as all hell too.), and for Vicky's fate... well I'm not a fan of Butch Hartman's black and white perspective on villains, I'm not a fan of Butch Hartman, and I'm not an angry atheist. Vicky gets thrown into the game, and seemingly for no reason aside from that forced conflict. She didn't throw Timmy or his friends into the game, and again, that generator bit. It wasn't even used as a joke, just as something present within another joke.

But why did that power conflict have to happen? Why for the all important TV reference jokes of course. I'd give props to kids shows for cracking jokes that'd get me in my adult years, but obviously these didn't get that result. These references are below Family Guy levels of funny (and Family Guy can still do these well.) I'm going to list off the shows they try to parody, how they do it and why I think they failed at it.

  • I Love Lucy: They got the Ricky deadringer wrong, but they fucked it up by having Wanda, well, be Wanda. Lucy isn't necessarily the most iconic TV star out there, but she's still well recognized. We don't need a men are stupid women are Jesus type message (by that I mean one that stereotypes men as idiots and woman as, well, the opposite (like they did in that one Valentines special, you know the one.)
  • Weather channel: Cosmo confuses weather with feather. They try to throw in a bit with a laugh track that doesn't come, but it just doesn't work.
  • Oprah (or talk shows in general.): Cosmo marries his car and somehow it reproduces. It seems like a statement against men from the south.
  • Those CD commercials: Cosmo sings nursery songs.
  • Seinfeld: It's a show about nothing, and the joke is made with that amount of nothing.
Are these jokes meant to poke fun at Cosmo and Wanda's ignorance of pop culture and television? Who knows?

I have no honorable mentions, well, aside from the pilot shorts, and a key reason I hate them is because they push the black and white perspective and don't amp up the characters to justify it. I only like one short out of all of them, can't be bothered to remember the name though.

There will be a top favorite episodes.

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