Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Work It review

 I'd like to consider myself very open-minded, given what I had either defended or wasn't as harsh to. Though I'm more than willing to spite mainstream pop culture beliefs, sometimes I gotta bite the pill.



Work It was a sitcom that reared its head onto screens in 2012... for a week. Yep, it's another one of those two-episode deals. Similar to Danny and Sammy, a complete season was produced, but ratings would determine where a show would drop off. Ordinarily, two episodes are aired per contractual obligation, or maybe to give networks more time to fill the void that would be left.

The show was created by Ted Cohen and Andrew Reich, none of them had done much of note, though they both worked together on Friends years prior. This show bit it for a reason I won't get into just yet, and it wasn't just ratings.

I don't know any of the actors who appeared on here, and I had watched television a lot at this point, I mean then again my only windows to television at this point were Nicktoons Network, TBS and MTV.

While it bit it in the United States, New Zealand seemed to be more tolerant and burned off every episode in record time in 2013.


Pop quiz, what do you do if you're a guy hit by the job recession of the current year? You dress as a woman to potentially take work elsewhere.

If you had any doubt that LGBT representation was a product of the Trump era, this show got heat for making fun of transsexuals by having men dress in drag. And that's the schtick of the entire show, two former General Motors workers dress as women to land jobs at a pharmaceutical joint.

But for me, it's not so much the offensive factor, but the fact that the show is so painfully unfunny that I can't help but focus on the more offensive aspects, they had the most substance. Not a single joke or funny line was found in the one episode I saw of the show, and this was one that made it to US airwaves.

Story behind that is that one of the guys lands a date with a doctor due to a desperate attempt at selling a new asthma medicine, the other gets jealous due to him being a major salesman at his old job. That's it. It's sorta like The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer, I'm less offended over the offensive premise and more over how they do so little with it.

This is as short as the show's run.


This show is simply unfunny, as someone who watched various other forgettable sitcoms, I can say with confidence this is the worst sitcom I have ever seen, just for the fact it had nothing for me to hold on to, not even being outrageous enough for a novel factor. It doesn't help that I recognize none of the actors here for the sake of getting exposed to more I like.

That just leaves one question, is this worse than The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer? Honestly, yeah. Somehow this has even less effort than that show, I mean it tried to be funny, here, nothing even gave me the idea of something being remotely funny.

I wish I had seen this sooner. Also fun fact, apparently this is so bad that even the lost media community don't care for it.

Anyone who wishes to defend this to spite the more toxic factions of the LGBT community, don't, this show just isn't worth it.

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