Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Weird Public Access Memory

 Anything goes when it coms to public access, I think. I don't know how to preface this without making this a bigger mystery than it needs to be, all I'm doing is recounting a memory I have, who knows if it's well known and I just don't know the name of it, or there're crossed wires and I'm confusing myself.

To share

I can't pinpoint an exact year, but I wanna say it was around 2004 to 2005. I caught this on Queens Public Television, my local access network in my area. Now due to its lower profile it isn't exactly easy to pinpoint any show that's no longer airing on the network, due to it being local programing, so for all I know this is gone forever.

Near as I could tell, this was a sketch off of some comedy sketch series. I recall seeing this twice, the exact thing, so this might've just been a one-off.

What I Remember

It was introduced through some roughly animated title-card, that I don't remember the name of. It centered on this girl who dressed as a superhero (short brown hair, neon-colored outfit.) She was hired to help out a store owner who's antagonized by two punks, it has one owner (a guy with a moustache and green shirt), as well as a wife who angrily swears over the punks as chunks come out of her mouth (the footage of this was sped up in one area as she puts those pieces back in her mouth)

The superhero girl has a sidekick in her pet talking Chihuahua, it's a female dog in a dress (not a bitch allegory, it's female), but I don't know it's name. It also flies or goes by hoverboard.

The punks also own their own chihuahua, I believe it was named Sylvester, who they either don't feed or just neglect. I know they have a perpetual shot of the dog staring in desperation as an acapella rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow plays.

Another gap, the superhero girl gets caught, forced alcohol leading to her cursing them out, and is about to be killed by a board with nails hammered in (this displayed by the male punk popping a balloon on it). All else I recall was that the girl chihuaua is flying by a window remarking her only company is the birds, while she passes Sylvester looking at her through the window. When she notices him, it leads to a romantic fantasy montage.

That's really all I recall.

Final Thoughts

I'm not begging for an all out search, but if you were in my neck of the woods in Queens and watched public access, let me know if you came across something like this.

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