Tuesday, April 12, 2022

LTA: Some Hated Classic SpongeBob Episodes

 So last time I did a list where I brought up classic SpongeBob episodes that I happened to not like. What I didn't know was that others had also called out bad classic SpongeBob episodes in the past... and went for the most obvious targets, all things considered.

Hypocrisy happens so often I question if it's even a taboo anymore.

What I mean by that is, well there is a recurring theme with these common picks for the worst classic SpongeBob episodes, mean-spiritedness, remember that fun romp? Now you may be thinking it's pointless to revisit an era that is no longer necessarily in line with modern conventions. And to that I say, how much has things changed? People are still dicks and they go for what's easy.

It's all about repetition. People harping on Pauly Shore's performance as Pinocchio is a callback to people harping on Rob Schneider when he played Norm of the North. Even after the heyday of Steven Universe, people only seem to act when it's too late or close to being so, also old classics like shipping destroying the integrity of shows, and people whining so much about the Powerpuff Girls actors that would make Spax3 heave.

What is this, the fifth time I brought him up, he is to me what Peter Molyneaux is to Larry Bundy Jr.

Most hope I have for change is MrEnter calling out the climax in Hooky, I mean mostly but a little's better than nothing, and more than anyone's willing to offer these days.

What you're about to see is classic SpongeBob episodes that have been criticized by mainstream reviewers for better or worse. I'll be referring to the Terrible TV Shows and Episodes wiki because when something lands there you know it is due to people taking things at face value rather than coming to their own conclusions.

Do not read further if you unironically enjoy PhantomStrider, not for those who lack critical thinking beyond what can land a C average in school.

Grandma's Kisses

One thing that really stuck with me about this episode is the good cry SpongeBob had. It kinda made me sad, probably because Stack of Leis triggers an emotional reflex. That aside, I feel this conveys a good lesson, that, and I quote, "You don't have to be a baby to get grandma's love." Think of it like this, this goes beyond love from a relative, it shows that you don't need to give up conventions that make you happy, just because you get older. Way I see it you lose the interests you have growing up naturally, and it's really all about how you go about it. You can return to things for escapism, use it as a basis for something to contribute to society or to share amongst future generations.

Unless of course you use it in the form of weaponized stupidity and brandish the name of a creator for the sake of pettiness.

But what's the issue here? Well based on a summary from a Miraheze article (because let's face it, I'd lose more braincells listening to PhantomStrider), it's because of mean people not getting punished. Everything else is either stretched to justify an article being made, or some second thing.

Okay, I won't harp on you for living a clearly sheltered life, but I've seen much meaner. "Oh, you see though, these guys get punished at the end so that excuses everything.", that means nothing. What would be a fitting punishment in this circumstance? That they get punished by their parents or something?

Really, what I got from it is that in spite of the teasing, SpongeBob goes on with confidence and not care what others think. Worst case, I think people are trying to seek validation, or have the tendency to overreact to jokes, a Squirrel Jokes principle if you will.

Does the destination mean anything if the journey is so rough that it doesn't justify what you find? I feel this episode didn't have as rough of a journey.

The Great Snail Race

Moral of this story, never be mean I guess, no matter if you learn your lesson or get that forced comeuppance, that's what I got from reviewers who covered this.

This is what I got, it goes to show that SpongeBob isn't perfect, he will get so wrapped up in something he won't realize it until it's too late. So what, does that mean the Fry Cook Games sucks too? All I can say is SpongeBob realized he was wrong and we got a funny callback at the end.

But I guess people were so wrapped up in the likes of A Pal for Gary that people began to simp for Gary in episodes he suffers in. Never break character, be as perfect as ever, no one is allowed to fuck up. Or maybe it's the fact people expect continuity in a comedic show.

I'm With Stupid

...is hilarious. And hey, don't you think that if you were watching the 6th season or so that it would be nice to see SpongeBob on the short end to alleviate the bad feelings the later episodes gave? No? Double standards me thinks.

But honestly, in spite of me thinking the episode is funny, it's been ruined for me by outside factors, the fandom, I know shocking and petty. I feel this episode helped showcase how SpongeBob fans have a big inability to separate iterations from one another. It is easy to consider The Patrick Star Show to be in an entirely separate universe, but that is a concept that is apparently hard to comprehend. It is easy to disassociate a spin-off from the actual show, but I think this fried peoples' circuits.

There is nothing more important in life than continuity in a kids' show, apparently.


You know how I said the destination is meaningless when the journey is so bad? The stigma this episode holds took that analogy and threw it in my face. At the cost of any critical thinking, I had to look up the article for it and... I closed the tab after the first bullet point. Throw whatever fluff you want, you just hate the episode because characters are being mean and stuff.

There was a conflict, and a resolution, those are fundamental aspects to a TV show episode. Oh but it has a generic premise. So does every other episode once you look deeper into it; if anything, generic is a go-to if one cannot muster a reason for hating an episode beside it being mean. If anything, this pokes fun at melodrama.

I got nothing else.

I Was a Teenage Gary

Let me guess, because it scared the doody out of you? Isn't that the point of a Halloween episode, to scare people? One holiday-themed episode followed by a scary story is not ringing any bells?

I mean Squidward got the oh so sacred comeuppance, is that not enough for you, or are you just making this up as you go along? If this episode is bad, then the likes of Hooky and Scaredy Pants are bad. Characters are in character, like you all so desperately want, nobody's a big fat meanie, like you all want, but what could I be missing here?

Krabby Land

Honestly screw whatever reasons people have to hate this one. It feels as though they don't like it because it displays Mr. Krabs in a terrible light. Well to me, they haven't changed a thing, this is Krabs as natural as he can ever be. He's the same guy who relies on psychological torture to teach someone a lesson, gamble SpongeBob away in a card game, mess with SpongeBob and Patrick in regard to paint being permanent while having them paint his living room... I take it people hate this episode because it shatters a false illusion.

Okay, let's be fair and see this episode's article, and the first sub-bullet basically summarizes what I just said, also using generic as a buzzword to justify complaining about the episode. It's about as generic as any other old SpongeBob episode. You're not fooling anybody.

Party Pooper Pants

I've only ever seen this episode twice, and I had no intention of going back to it. Even as a kid this episode wasn't very pleasent, but really, the biggest crime against it was... this is actually generic, and also has a whole load of nothing. Basically, shit happens, that's about it.

I'm not gonna look at the article, but I can probably guess what the reasons for hating it are, "It's generic, people were being mean to SpongeBob, fuck the police."

You know what, they can have it, there are few positives I can give this episode anyhow.

Final Thoughts

I went into this thinking I can be proven wrong on how I feel about SpongeBob and the animation community at large. But all I got were double standards, hypocrisy and a loss of braincells. If you're gonna hold something to certain standards, other episodes should follow suit, no matter what exceptions could be made.

Is it really bad, or is it just easier to make content out of?

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