Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Indefinite Hiatus

 I have been getting a lot more heated in my posts. If I had kept going I would've been facing some serious pushback. It woudn't even be something I can walk away from, because I have the lingering sense something else would build up and I'd be returning to find things were worse than when they began. I don't want to dwell on it.

So at this rate, I'm not gonna be doing any new reviews for a while. Last few days I felt I was driven by what aggravated me that day. Let me tell you, it's not pleasent, and I'd have no one to blame but myself. Not even for risking pissing off the wrong person, but letting my emotion drive me to how I conduct myself when I write my posts. Even then, I've been running very dry with review topics, and I can't do more notable stuff justice.

As I determine what stuff I wanna cut out of my life going into the future, I'm not gonna be making any new written posts, well no written posts beyond short posts promoting non-dA stuff. It was gonna come to an end at some point, whether I invariably move on or decide to quit. I will try to be more active on YouTube, as long as school does not become too hectic. I'll still be around to comment though, this is no woe is me thing, this is a sign of awareness of what gives me the most unpleasant feelings these days. But that is not what this post is for, that's an answer to a question to be inevitably asked.

And with that, I hope something positive can come of this. Props to those who've been following me to this point, stay tuned for the occasional status post.

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