Monday, April 10, 2023

My Impressions of My Adventures with Superman

So recently a 16 minute teaser of My Adventures with Superman dropped, and people seem to really enjoy it. I can already tell why, but I'm not gonna get into that yet. I first heard about it through a promotional image, revealing that Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen got a design overhaul for this series. Now, I'm not upset they did this, because this isn't something isolated to new productions alone. For instance, Alicia from Fantastic Four had her race swapped in World's Greatest Heroes, and Nick Cage is perhaps the biggest example of a race swap relating to a comic universe.

That aside, this would be an isolated series so one should expect changes to be a part of it. Now I know sixteen seconds seems to be too short to build off expectations, but if you have a keen eye you can build off of something short and determine if you want to give it more of a chance. You see enough shows you can basically call things right away.

And with that mentality, I can conclude that My Adventures with Superman looks like it'll be incredibly generic.

First offense to me, is the art direction. When you look at the trailer and the show's art style, what shows come to mind in terms of look and overall feel?

  • Ben 10
  • Ben 10 2 Electric Boogaloo
  • Generator Rex
  • Invincible
  • Teen Titans
  • TMNT Back to the Sewer in some lights
  • Jackie Chan Adventures
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • The Legend of Korra
  • That 2011 Thundercats reboot only a handful remember
Okay so what I automatically assume these shows are one in the same? Sorta. The big draw here is that each use a similar art direction, a typically anime-esque direction. This is the way to go for shows with a higher emphasis on action, but at this rate it has become overused. Lest the exact same art director is behind every single one of these, it seems like companies use this style as a template more than anything else.

Allow me to perch myself atop the hill I vowed to die on, but even most adult animated sitcoms look more visually distinct than a stark bulk of action drama shows. In instances where they look similar it's typically because they bring on the same art director or they're helmed by the same creators who have their own visual identity. I'm just saying, throw Superman into Ben 10's world and he'd fit seamlessly.

People gravitate to animated action dramas so it seems they're more than willing to turn a blind eye to the cliches held by these shows. In other words, bias.

With a show embodying the same style as its contemporaries, I can say with confidence the writing would reflect that as well, ticking the same boxes as other shows like it. I can count on a generic romantic subplot being incorporated for instance.

I know I keep bringing this up, but that's because it seems like I'm the only one who's willing to call this shit out. Nothing should be exempt from being called cliche, and My Adventures with Superman is looking to be equally shameless. Lest it does something to shake up the formula, I'm not interested because I'd be setting myself up for disappointment watching it.

Why watch something I know I'm going to hate? Why give something a chance when my impressions are low and I'd not like it regardless? This could be all I'd say, I'm not interested in watching it because I feel I can expect a lot of familiar stuff to happen, the action drama genre has worn thin for me and it's becoming one in the same and nobody is eager to see that change.

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