Saturday, August 5, 2023

Picking up the Pieces

 So I've been gone for a while, well, gone is a stretch. Sometimes I post stuff ordinarily intended for other websites because I'd get more engagement, but things have been kinda rough. I had initially sought to move to Tumblr, but I got absolutely no meaningful engagement, just pornbots and... yeah, far from friendly most of the time.

Because my reviews rarely see much interest as people had moved away from written content, I figured hey, if it's not gonna stop me from writing, I may as well do it on something I made from the ground up. Blogger had made it much easier for me to make this page feel like something of my own creation, that is, customization up the ass. Any new written posts will be made here and on deviantArt and right now I had tweaked the page a bit to make it look better, adding more HTML embeds, putting in footer images, moving stuff on the right around, and making the top bar look more full.

Here's hoping I'll be here longterm.

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