Sunday, October 11, 2020

w'ever hapun 2... ShadowBlazeX8

The YouTube Commentary Community, whether you view it as a joke nowadays or under one of many incarnations, has brought many different personalities into the limelight, and gradually evolved over the years. What we know now... is actually fairly consistent with how it started, it's a response to a video intercut with still images to represent whoever's responding, though that principle is never always the case. Sometimes the commentator can be more interesting than whoever they're commenting on, and drama has always been a key aspect since day one, which would go to show that you should never place all your bills on any horse, you'll always lose.

For the more infamous targets, while they either moved on or blanked off with traces of their existence still existing in some form, some stand out more than others for different reasons, you can go for anyone, and for my pick, I'm going with someone who was around during the end of the late-2000s.
What I Know
ShadowBlazeX8 reared his head into the ring in 2008. A prime aspect to his channel, which could've led to his downfall, was ranting. People usually rant for clout, and back then you could find rants on any single topic with the same substance. These rants would also correspond with movie reviews, namely rants on bad ones. In addition to that he'd do comedic dubs of certain videos, one of which got commentated on years ago and trust me, any scorn toward it is deserved.

He had also done reactions to cartoons like Phineas and Ferb and Adventure Time, both negative, and you already know what I have to say. With a show so beloved I respect anyone who goes against popular opinion. But on commentaries, he's one of the few commentators to show their face during the video, the only other one I know of was 2funnyVersionIV, though these were more like live reactions for the most part (which depending on your point of view is the better way to go), other times he'd use images when he didn't feel like being on camera, and like those in his crop, it's memes.

The worst thing you can do as a commentator is go after overdone topics and bring nothing new to the table. Every user he ever commentated on had been done before, some examples include Irate Gamer and Chris Chan. He was one of those "Funny equals quality" types, with his worst aspect being that he repeats what's already said in an exaggerated tone. This is laying the ground for the ultimate conclusion he made, but in time.

In addition to YouTube, he helped give an idea on how spoiled for choice we were when it came to YouTube alternatives back then, we had Blip TV, Revver, Dailymotion, Viddler, it was a better time. Aside from those, he had an account on GameTrailers (back when user generated content was welcome), deviantArt and Blogger. The latter shows how long he has been on the internet (along with still being accessible), going as far back as 2005. His deviantArt contained photographs mainly, going by the few titles I see, and I assume he came from a rural area (amazing how we've seen his face but have no idea what his name is, it is possible.) On his deviantArt, he had a certain kink, one muscle fetish, and I contest, I have that too. I probably wouldn't enjoy his content but I imagine I could hold a good conversation with him.
Why He Left
If it wasn't obvious enough, his YouTube content wasn't good. Major figures at the time tore his videos to shreds and you can still find their commentaries on his videos if you want more infamous examples. Chances are he either deleted his channel out of embarrassment or copyright got him in the end. At some point a bulk of his videos were archived (done by another infamous commentator), and speaking of he actually managed to save quite a bit of videos that would ordinarily be lost. Unfortunately, the channel got taken down and now ShadowBlazeX8 is lost fodder. Good thing about being swarmed is that it leaves no mystery over why they left.

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