Wednesday, May 5, 2021

LTA: Cosmodore

 I've been in the loop when it came to the Cosmodore situation, though others can tell the story better than I could. I'm merely throwing in my two cents.

To get you up to speed, Cosmodore was a prominent figure in the animation community, a community I'm well outside of this days, given who I vouch for. For a time, he was basically a nobody outside of the generally homogenized community or what it would become, but perhaps as a crisis of conscience, he decided to empty his closet, and basically admitted he groomed a girl.

Now, when it comes to things like sexual harassment, someone spouts an allegation and it's up to the accused to either dispel or confirm it. Cosmo actually admitted it out of the blue, probably assuming that if he did so it'd cushion the blow if it ever came out, but this is the internet, and if it's confirmed, you're fucked.

It would've been the end had he decided to go dark after this, but soon he actually tried to downplay the situation, likely to save his own ass or the ass of his channel, unless he took the advice of his counselor in a different context.

Grooming is just as bad as more direct action, it's psychological abuse, something that sticks with people if it goes far enough, you can never walk away from it, and that's why people won't forgive Cosmo, hell I won't, and this is coming from someone who can validate the motives of one member of the Westboro Baptist Church and those two Manson family broads.

Reason I'm bringing Cosmo up now is because he admitted to another instance of it, and is basically trying to piss people off if his Twitter was anything to go by, until it got removed that is.

As someone who has never seen a single Cosmodore video, I have no prior connection to the guy, I can see him for the deed, and since he did it twice, sympathy is not in the cards.

And people like him are a reason why I went on a long rant about one certain reviewer who I've named far too many times. We've had bigger degenerates in the community doing far worse things than saying stupid shit, we have influencers who can literally build a wall around them and suffocate dissenters.

Cosmodore was practically an influencer himself, even being part of Momocon and had association with RebelTaxi. I feel like I see things people don't. If anything Cosmodore may only be the tip of the iceburg.

We can all be grateful if he just blanked off the face of the earth.

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