Monday, January 17, 2022

The Worst What a Cartoon short (vent)

 So I covered what I personally consider to be the worst Oh Yeah! Cartoons short. So now I feel like doing the same for its equivalent. If you know me you'd know what short I'd put on blast if I cover Random Cartoons, so that's out.


This short was spearheaded by Mike Milo, an animator who had involvement in quite a lot, even complete turd stains like Shnookums and Meat, The Critic and The Lion King... that Disney Afternoon series. This was actually one of two shorts Milo worked on, the other being Bloo and His Gang, no relation to Foster's, aka what is technically Craig McCracken's worst show.

Right off the bat this short annoyed me. If you have two idiots leading the way, it's always a gamble whether or not the experience would be bearable. It could be the naive kind of stupid where the characters are well meaning, or the arrogant kind of stupid where you can't help but wonder if they use their stupidity as a defense. The latter applies here.

A woodland analyst puts collars on the ignoramooses to track them, and soon enough... they lose half the plot. The mooses believe they have been claimed as pets and the hunter gets sedated by tranqulizers, in what is one of the only funny moments in the short, I mean humor is subjective.

They travel from South Dakota to Florida, and one thing I kinda gotta give it credit for is that at least the analyst, hunter, safari douche, has a suitable midwestern accent. Obviously the first big mansion they see they assume is where they gotta be... hijinks ensue as they drive the man to the brink of insanity.

Okay, so he's a hunter. They don't explicitly mention or give generous implications he is relevant to anything more than just frequent putdowns. Did he hire the safari guy to track the mooses down so he can kill them? Why else would he be surprised they came to his house to be a nuisance? It's kinda like Caddyshack, where Rodney Dangerfield comes to be an asshole and all of the sudden he is entitled to everything.

Either that or I couldn't read between the lines on that movie.

What I'm trying to say is that running someone ragged only works when there's a point to it. If the mansion owner is established right out of the gate to be a malicious hunter who abuses every animal he comes across, it's fair to expect consequences to be thrown his way. Here, it's left up to the imagination of the viewer.

Now granted, this is not so much a base for pilots rather just a dedicated collection, so I doubt he was going for a full series, which is fine, because this has absolutely no staying power.

So as a payoff, the mooses force the owner to become their personal servant to teach him a lesson in.... something, they don't make it obvious in a way that's reasonable. Is this meant to be a pro environment message? If so all this taught me was that those kinds of people are self-righteous, condescending, obnoxious and insufferable.

What do you consider the worst What A Cartoon short?

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