Sunday, March 13, 2022

Let's Look at an Old ED Article

 In high school I used to frequent Encyclopedia Dramatica. One of the articles I used to check out the most often was the one on video game reviewers. And no I don't have a particular reason why. I recognize many of them, others not so much, but if there's one thing I love, it's research. So, I'm gonna go over every section of the article and try to piece together summaries of every reviewer, otherwise determining what happened to them since then.

A common theme you may find relates to the Angry Video Game Nerd, Irate Gamer or Asalieri. Things may get repetitive because they are a good way to provide proper context on most reviewers listed. With that said, maybe you'll recognize some reviewers, maybe I'll introduce you to someone new, maybe you'll just glance over an analysis of something nobody gives a shit about, and by that I mean me.

I won't go into too deep of detail with many of these reviewers, if I were to do that we'd be here all day. Here's the article if you wanna follow along:

5,000+ Subscribers

The article divides reviewers into two camps, more notable reviewers for better or worse, and lesser known reviewers that have made their way onto the list one way or another.

Angry Video Game Nerd

This would normally be the part where I wax on about how Angry Video Game Nerd used to be the greatest thing ever and yadda yadda yadda. AVGN was influential, and that can be both a good thing and a bad thing. What got Angry Video Game Nerd such traction was the lack of a market on retro game reviews at the time, at most you got old magazine reviews.

Because he was so popular, he influenced many an angry reviewer, who you'll see covered soon enough. Looking back, influence aside, I don't consider AVGN to be good. First and foremost, he's a comedic reviewer, playing games while holding an exaggerated attitude, and yet people take what he says seriously, I mean to be fair legitimate points suffice, but stuff like his Lester the Unlikely review really showcase how far he has to reach for most of his jokes.

The less that is said about his new content the better, Screenwave definitely played a role in how far James is sinking, and I can say with certainty Justin Silverman is trying to co-opt the entire channel. James tries these new things because they are in with the mainstream internet, also the fact James rarely plays games himself and even resorts to cheating in his early days. Just saying.

It's beautiful to see people like him get taken down a notch, never make an exception for anybody.


First of many obscure reviewers on this list. Aqualung, or Ken Blakey, was one of many reviewers that came out of the woodwork in 2007 when AVGN mania was getting big. Unlike other contemporaries, Ken is a lot more mellow, which allowed him to avoid the brunt of rip-off allegations that would soon plague the internet. He focuses on retro content and is still very active to this day.

Ken's brand lies on more serious game analyses, at least nowadays, something that is otherwise rare in the retro gaming scene.


Here's another familiar name for those who used YouTube in 2007. Though he received equal popularity, at his core he was an AVGN clone that people were okay with for some reason, maybe it's just appealing to the right people?

For his work you had to be there, I don't want to go too deep into a cornerstone of the retro community because I'm bound to get something wrong. He was active as late as last year, and I even saw him comment on an Irate Gamer review, a comment that was otherwise not negative. I can tell he at the very least grew as a person.


Not necessarily known for game reviews, rather reviewing reviewers. One thing I like about Asalieri is, aside from his personality, he was one of the few Irate Gamer critics who didn't just go off the rip-off stigma, he actually brought on legitimate criticisms, beyond any small nitpicks, but who's counting? Also known for being an early critic of That Guy With the Glasses, man was ahead by several years.

His video production has halted, but he is still floating around on social media and has become associated with another reviewer who will be covered soon. He maintained a lot of associates over the years, who will also be covered. I like him just fine, he speaks his mind and didn't reject my friend request on Steam, I got nothing else.

Ben Yahtzee Croshaw

Yahtzee is best known for Zero Punctuation, which I have never watched, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that it's spectacular. All I have to really offer is disagreement on his review of Silent Hill Homecoming if it's on the basis of it being by a western developer. Guess that comes with the upbringing.

One thing to note is that one reviewer, DarkLordJadow, borrows the concept from Zero Punctuation for some reviews he did. Why lift a specific context near verbatim? Who knows...


Takes me back to the days of Sonic Brain Fart, when Sonic fans were truly at their worst. Don't get it twisted, Jamin Williams called out people who deserved it, and some of them got out of it okay, as we may see soon enough, swallow your pride. Most I've seen for game reviews was coverage of Sonic and the Black Knight, though I consider Secret Rings to be far more shitty.

I've seen plenty of movie reviews by him, and they are straight up fire. Guy's got a hell of a personality. He more recently turned his focus to poking fun at the Xbox community, and to be fair a crappy franchise isn't as harmful as a corporation seeking to hurt gaming, guy has his priorities in check.


I stopped watching Caddicarus a long time ago. At one point I had mad respect for his honesty and often times contrarian views; he liked the 1995 Casper movie and hated Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase. His humor is great and I will maintain that. Recently he carved a niche on compilation-type videos, but what made me drop off is one of his Dreamworks ones, where he offered a common opinion on how bad they've become, and from there I never got back into it.

Guy's still good, but I've lost interest long ago.

Classic Game Room

This series had actually predated many of the reviewers covered here, even AVGN's 2004 pilots, starting in 1999 on a startup website.

Simply put, it is a very basic review show that has a persistent framework for every episode, including a bog-standard modern game spin-off. The show is no longer in production, and this is owed to greed. The creator, Mark Bussler, used Patreon to support himself but became over-reliant on it for many projects, and tried to get even more money by bringing his show to Amazon Prime. Nowadays he's working in the book publishing industry.

I'd like to think Bobsheaux would move his show to Amazon Prime several years from now, right after he moves to Patreon full time.

David Clothier

Okay I'm at a loss. Either this guy pissed someone off real fierce and put him on this article, or he's an immature asshole who got torn a new one. Sounds like an off-brand Austin McBroom based on the details I got from this.

I got nothing, let's skip.


Best reason for this guy's inclusion was his popularity justifying it, or association with someone else further down the list. I've seen some of his videos, and at worst he can be kinda boring. It's said he was tied to scams and partnership ploys, but apparently this either wasn't enough to take him down, or he had since mended his ways, or people just stopped caring.

If you're in to slower content, see if this guy is up your alley.

The Gaming Goose

I don't know the context of the image they used for his section, but it can be anything but good. Gaming Goose is a former Asalieri protege. Looking at his most recent review, from 11 years ago, his channel boasts some decent effects, an engaging personality and informative perspectives on games, along with some humor peppered in.

I saw him participate in a tribute video relating to a reviewer who will be covered soon, so at the very least it seems like he's doing well for himself, for whatever may have got him EDed in the first place.


I saw one or two videos by this guy a while back, and I dunno, they didn't really do a whole lot for me. Something about him rubs me the wrong way, either his personality or views.

He had recently called it quits due to mental health concerns, so be it, follow your conscious and do what will keep you stable.

Happy Console Gamer

One of the more enthusiastic retro gamers out there, best summation. Apparently once had involvement with Mike Matei and some others before that fell through. Either he is guilty by association or did something seriously wrong, but looking into one of his videos, it's one of those "if you're in the mood" types. It gave me the confidence to feel it could be good.

He has done nothing big to get his own article, and I think he was just big enough to cover and essentially call him a douchebag in three different ways.


Another perennial figure of the old YouTube. He did it all, rants, movie reviews and video game reviews. They're basically let's play style reviews amounting to basic complaints, but you do you I guess. He is perhaps best known for Reaction and Review, which basically had Hellsing react to scenes from a movie, but not showing them for copyright sake. I liked how he gave a positive review of the 2004 Catwoman film.

More recently he was known for his association with closeted lolcow Clay Claymore, with the only thing they had in common was their hatred of MrEnter and Doug Walker, and, sad to say, Hellsing passed away some time ago. Wanna hear something creepy? A long time ago I made a journal reacting to the death of HappyCabbie and remarked Hellsing was next. It's chilling when your predictions come true.

All else I can say, rest in peace.

Irate Gamer

A perennial punching bag in YouTube's early days, and a sign of how overly-protective people are of creators. How bad was it? They caused Irate Gamer to lose his partnership within days of getting it. I would've taken this more seriously if the entire bandwagon didn't consist of rampant pettiness. It got so bad I didn't even care about legitimate issues.

The Irate Gamer Sucks Blog is still getting updates, and it shows me just how sad and pathetic of a life the writer leads. In the era of EDP445, The Ace Family, Sam Pepper, Screenwave and countless others, apparently Chris Bores' idiocy is still more important. A-Log.

These days Chris posts infrequently on YouTube, but since then has received something of a re-evaluation, as his content is reflective of a foregone era. Also James is cool with him now. But I guess some memes never die.

I just used a bunch of words James used, I must be ripping him off.


Another relic of the old YouTube, though I never caught much of his content, he was fairly big back in the day. Guy's a mystery, his channel has since been removed and few archives circulate. For stuff like these, all you need to know is that people like him drew an audience, was good for the time but otherwise fell off.

Maybe he just decided to move on with his life?

Silent Rob

Perhaps best known for getting the anti-Irate Gamer bandwagon going, but also doing reviews. He distinguished himself from the AVGN by taking on a douchebag persona, one persisting to this day. It kinda works, I admire his honestly and staying true to the character. That's about it.

I'm in his Facebook group, he's associated with Asalieri, he has begun to hate the Angry Video Game Nerd, times have really changed.

Pat the NES Punk

I first heard of Pat through his appearance in the AVGN's Nintendo World Championship episode. I saw about a few episodes of Pat's show before I dropped off around the time he dedicated his efforts to podcasting. Long story short he became a total douchebag no longer worthy of anyone's time.

Also appeared on Pawn Stars at one point.

Pete Dorr

Negligible by today's standards, but still going. He seems chill enough, don't know what he did to piss people off but it seems he got out of it. He also does Twitch streams and let's plays, I caught him doing one for an obscure mail order Game Boy Advance game.

He's doing well, but otherwise not painfully interesting.


Back to the more relevant underdogs of the 2007 era. Many of his reviews had remained lost for several years but gradually started popping back up again. He otherwise strayed from the angry gamer persona and tried out some dry humor, other times he did both, which may be why he actually got decent numbers by then. Had a more relatable form of anger by the looks of his Hydlide review.

More recently, it seems he either became a drag queen or transitioned. I didn't know what to expect.


Okay, I'm sure 80% of you were aware of the controversy he was involved in, where he was accused of cheating on his wife and exposure. One thing I respect him for is how he not only handled it greatly, but actually got out of it and is now going strong.

Funny thing is that the section on him was written before the controversy got out. They were both behind yet ahead of the curve.


Asalieri fans may recognize him through coverage of a few of his videos. At most I just saw Ed (his name)'s Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde review, and he ironically echoes how I feel about the game. Just keep moving, the hard part is not getting bored.

He is perhaps more infamous for his more pronounced love of AVGN and association with a more infamous YouTuber for false flagging videos criticizing him, as well as trying to combat trolling. Things slowed to a halt for Ed, but his negative review of AVGN's movie is getting reevaluated. He's a truther.

Retroware TV

Not so much a reviewer, rather a collective for game reviewers. Saw their logo some time before on an old Rerez video and an old PushingUpRoses review. Good site, but apparently held toxic standards. Moving on.


Looking into him, at first I thought his content was purged and he was an "at his peak" kind of guy, but after some deeper looking, it turns out he was a former contributor to That Guy With the Glasses.

One interesting quirk to StillGaming, or Lee, is that his persona is represented by a moving JPEG, showing him at different positions. I'll admit, I never saw that before. How prevalent was he on TGWTG? Well he appeared on their first anniversary special, but left before any other ones it seems. Guy had a hunch.

His activity is slim to none, he's not doing very much anymore aside from posting on Twitter.


He's not known so much for his reviews, rather his drama. Years ago, during the 4Kids era of the Sonic series he was one of the more prominent figures in complaining about the actors present; think MrEnter when he bashed SpongeBob writers, but Spax was far more vocal. He also had a tendency to flag down videos criticizing him.

But since then, he had taken accountability for his mistakes and sought to better himself, making peace with the 4Kids cast, whoever he could access, even those he flagged. Seeing most of his posts he seemed to be genuinely apologetic, good on him, I'm glad he is showing he was truly sorry. There were some rough patches though, like sending images of self mutilation and stalking a girl over criticism. Guy was clearly facing some serious demons, this was in 2019, and years since it looks like he was at least trying to get help.

His old videos are floating around, but I snapped up two of his less egregious ones. If he wants me to take them down though I gotta honor the request.


Needs no further introduction. Okay maybe a little, 2007-era retro game reviewer, got picked up by That Guy With the Glasses, turned into an enormous asshole, became a human trainwreck, occasionally pops up online with content.

Watch Down the Rabbit Hole to know the full story, because it's exhaustive.

Stan Burdman

Watched a bunch of his content but never bothered again. Otherwise negligible, but brings a sense of sophistication to most of his angry reviews. There is some variety in emotion though, I'll give him that much. At most he was allegedly tied to selling games and banking through Amazon referrals.

Also formerly associated with Asalieri, but it seems that had petered out, he hasn't posted anything new since three years ago, but posts on Facebook.


I really don't like this guy. Okay that's a stretch, I used to watch his content after discovering him through his series Snowy the Frostman, which I attest is actually decent. The more I watched him, the less funny he got. Basically banked through cheap nostalgia, surface level edgelord humor and charging money for his older content, suddenly.

He seems to have given up on game reviews and focused more on flash animation, hell, the one blurb of him on this article had been updated and, let me show you:

"A show about a cartoon taco that started out as Captain N parody that became a video game review show that was relevant for 3 days, is getting canceled soon because the creator realized that the show was not giving him as much YouTube money compare to his shitty parodies."

See? On the nose.


Alphabetical order is a bitch. We're back to perennial favorites, details above may apply here. He had vanished for several years before resurfacing and redirecting his content toward sports. Nothing more to say, other than it's nice to see old channels resurface in some regard.

Nothing more to say, this is turning into AVGN episode 200.


I never really saw much of WizWar in the past, but based on brief observations it looks as though he tried out the angry schtick. He had moved to a new channel at some point, and I actually caught something from it, what looked to be an endorsement of a SEGA plug and play console by AtGames, aka that piece of shit Rerez covered years back. He was also associated with Spax3 at one point. Interesting trivia, Spax took inspiration from WizWar and Jedite for his review of the Transformers Famicom game, and both associated with him at some point.

Seemingly ended on a high note, I haven't seen anything from him since 4 years ago. I have no fucking clue.


A reviewer of the assholish variety. He was known for unapologetic reviews that more often than not took the piss out of fanboys or existed for the sake of contrarianism. Associated with Asalieri, both hid a road bump, but seemingly patched things up.

Twist of the century, he became more dedicated to right wing political content, any gaming content would be associated with the former. I did not see that coming, but there you go, he's happy enough and nobody bothered to clown on him since. Cult of personality? Or maybe he's right and people don't want to admit it?

Less than 5,000 Subscribers

Well then, we're only half way through huh? There won't be a part 2. I'm gonna get this shit done.


Apparently got started through an attempt at a clean version of a review of some crappy TMNT game for the NES, but that's not interesting enough. Perhaps better known for trying to ape on other reviewers, getting into a fight with the Irate Gamer, which the latter didn't even care enough to mention.

Last I saw of AKewsticRockR he had a shit ton of Irate Gamer videos, and my sodium levels skyrocketed with all that salt. He also apparently got into spats with Asalieri, Silent Rob and someone else who's gonna be addressed soon.

I remember watching a parody he did of Ray William Johnson, but he has since purged his YouTube and deleted his Twitter. Good riddance I guess.


Aka the Game Dude, and a prominent target of pro-AVGN simping. Compared to Irate Gamer, Game Dude was the worst, not because he apparently plagiarized, but because of how he conducted himself. If it's obscure or a new installment in a long-running franchise, he would be sure to bash on it without much thought, he can go fuck himself, Sonic Heroes was awesome.

Also had the tendency to re-edit videos that did not meet his standards or were criticized. But apparently that was the only interesting thing about him.

It wasn't until years after I first heard of him that I finally understood the greater picture. He clearly had mental issues, taking major criticisms to heart and wanting to be seen in an approving light. Also nothing much else, just that he had been in legal trouble after bad encounters with his ex-girlfriend, and had fled the country. You sure ripping off the AVGN is worse?

If you want more info, check out this recent video:


Basically a 4Chan troll who posed as the AVGN, and had spearheaded an ironic following, though unfortunately he was overshadowed due to Irate Gamer rustling so many jimmies. Possibly one of the first to use misleading video titles to get people to click on his channel, and claiming to be the actual Angry Video Game Nerd. Had to be there.

His purpose fulfilled, he basically vanished at some point, but may we forever remember him for his magnum opus, his review of Super Metroid.

Bastard Gamer

Another Asalieri associate, until that petered out, until that got resolved. Along with game reviews he also did parodies of popular punching bags at the time. All else I could say is that if he cut his hair and got horn-rimmed glasses he could cosplay as Justin Silverman and get AVGN the time he so desperately lacks.


I have no idea who he is. I name-dropped him long ago, he saw it, called it out, I apologized and that was the end of it. I don't know what led him to get listed on here, lest in a chad move he did it himself for free publicity. Looks like it could be good, so... thanks? Not safe to say he dropped off since his last review was over a year ago, but let's see what happens.


Basically a YouTube extension of an old British TV series Guru Larry dropped some time ago. Thing about extensions is that there is much context I've missed, and that this isn't produced with an internet audience in mind, at least a more contemporary one.

So pass.


Another big name in late-2000s YouTube, but not big enough to be listed sooner. Best known for his Sonic reviews, and screaming, oh god the screaming. That's basically it, aside from rants he did. Probably butchered this something fierce.

The EMU Review

This was basically one of many ventures by Jason Heine. Whether or not this worked is up to anyone's interpretation. While it seems like he's straying from reviews, he did post some on his channel, I saw his review of Hooters Road Trip, and it was decent. Still going so it really requires no further digging.


He was a former associate of GameLife, the first YouTube video game review series. Geoff Mendicino (FreezeCracker), was the only one who was able to find success after the runner of GameLife got put on house arrest and basically killed the entire channel, along with his toxic nature. Geoff is a gaming tournament player and took part in an interview for Down the Rabbit Hole, which focused on GameLife, so check that out.

Furious Famicom Faggot

Not really a video game reviewer, rather an attempted flash parody series meant to poke fun at the burgeoning angry reviewer craze. This was made by SomethingAwful, aka the pioneers in digging out crap on the internet, until they became woefully irrelevant. 

FFF can be traced to one Dave Kelly, or Shmorky, or Daisy these days. For years, Shmorky was something of an enigma, either that or nothing much interesting went on with him. That is, until he was called out for pedophilia in 2016 on Kiwi Farms. Before then he had actually landed work on Adult Swim, he was behind the infamous This is Fine bumper by the way.


I had actually discussed him way back when. But to keep things consistent, here's a rundown. He posted reviews and otherwise mocked the Irate Gamer, then he disappeared for some time. He temporarily rebranded to Mega-Rhys before he went dark in the mid-2010s for whatever reason.

Aside from his profiles, his YouTube presence has been wiped clean. I have no idea what his content was actually like, and oh my, I'm curious.

Gamerweb 2.0

This came out when GameLife was still big and standards were relatively low. The results of this were, to say the least, hilarious. Unfortunately the full pilot is nowhere to be found, and the only insight we have is an article posted by UKResistance, and a forum post by the guy who ran this show. Damn, I could've really used a laugh.


Possibly one of the most successful trolls on YouTube, successful in that while people are wise to not feeding the trolls, their pride and love for their favorite franchises is enough to make for a big exception. Obviously he would never admit to it being a farce, but people still fell for it. Whatever you think of him, take what he says with a grain of salt.

Still occasionally posts, but is otherwise a relic of the older days of the internet.


Guy seems to come and go. I was never able to find any of his reviews, either that or I was too lazy to try. I saw him around the time Hellsing920 died and he offered some words on his behalf. Seems he removed many of his videos and just moved on. At the time also hated trolls with a passion.

Hitting a lot of short stops here...


He was a pretty infamous reviewer back then, infamous for his aversion to criticism, false flagging people who posts videos about him, and otherwise for his lack of talent. I know he flagged a video that caused another Asalieri associate, TOGProfessor, to jump to a new channel.

Hosts a few different channels, with his second one it seems he's not bothering with YouTube anymore. Also lifted a heavily contested video he did where he jogged in a ridiculous outfit from an archive on Silent Rob's Facebook group. It's not mine, it's not his, but it is historically significant.


More seasoned YouTubers will recognize him as the very first topic of BlackBusterCritic's Sonic Brain Fart series. What led to this? Oh not much, just pretending that Silver the Hedgehog was real and living with him. Compared to the other people Jamin went after, he was pretty basic by comparison, also possibly the same age as Silver.

Aubrey, for his first name, was a fan of Spax3, and to set the record straight Silver was just a takeaway from a game Aubrey hates. Aside from a reaction he made to Jamin, Aubrey managed to keep going for a while until he vanished for several years. I saw him make a new video and assumed that was it, but going back to it now, he has made a lot of new content.

He overcame that stutter he was known for, and seems to be in a good state of mind these days. He could easily say he wasn't any of the other people Jamin covered, just an idiotic teenager back then.


Must've pissed somebody off and fierce. All I got from this tidbit was that his voice was annoying, and that he allegedly ripped off a ScrewAttack video. A lot has changed since then, and he has become a contributor to Did You Know Gaming and Unseen64. Either he buried the lead on any juicier stuff, or British accents trigger someone's fight or flight.


Oh hey, another troll and relic of the old YouTube. Anything he did was to piss people off, and he has succeeded and then some. I actually got involved with John's circle and screwed around with people who took him seriously. Did I get anything out of it? Well I got a friend, John to follow me on Twitter for some time, it was one of the more rewarding trolling circles I was involved in.


This is gonna be a grey area. This guy has absolutely no recorded YouTube presence available, it seems like he was better known through his forum presence. He is linked to the TurboGrafx-16 crowd, which is apparently filled to the brim with pretentious assholes.

We may figure out his placement here in a bit, chances are he either attacked forum moderators or just got into beef with someone else who included him on this thread for the hell of it. There was likely nothing on his YouTube to begin with.


Once more we have a blatant internet troll. Interesting fact, his videos were the first to be covered in CuteFuzzyWeasel's Feeding the Trolls series. Basically one of those "Talk negatively about good games" types, but to me I consider him to be the funniest of the bunch. He had removed a bulk of his videos, but I was able to see most of them. One was an admittance of being a troll, two others were attempts at cooking shows, more surrealistic takes that are actually very funny, shame they're gone now.

He had an upload as recent as one year ago, and people are eager to see him again. Me too, he's funny.

Gaming in the Clinton Years

A collection of re-released clips from a public access series called Flights of Fantasy. His reviews were archived by the National Academy of Video Game Testers and Reviewers, or NAVGTR. Because of this, people classified the host, George Wood, under the name NAVGTR. This misunderstanding persisted for quite some time.

George is perhaps best known for being one hell of an unintentional troll, for how he plays and commentates on these games. He may have even been the first retro reviewer in this regard, but to be fair he played these when they were new.

Last anyone saw of him he gave his thoughts on Barack Obama. Who knows where he's at these days.

NC17 Productions

Yet another hate bandwagon, but he was either unable to cover his basis, attempted to parody but couldn't do it right, or was a troll engaging in a little social experiment? He was angry, but had no idea how to use it. I appreciate anyone showing how thin-skinned AVGN fans are though.

He had left long ago, though long after his heyday for these angry reviews. Otherwise he was hardly deterred by a bunch of children and mentally stunted adults who believed AVGN gave a shit about them.


Another chill reviewer who did let's play style reviews, mostly of Game Boy Advance games. He still posts from time to time on YouTube, but has since become involved with indie game development, running Kisareth Studios. His inclusion either stems from him pissing off the wrong person (because that's not getting old at this point apparently), or some other reason.

Seems likable enough, and more adept at time management, hint hint.


Okay, it seems like his inclusion, along with a previous one and later one, was owed to forum drama and him taking the piss out of two of his most frequent enemies. Dave Medina, the full name, was an annoying asshole who frequently got banned from forums relating to the TurboGrafx-16, as well as being a total creep who flagged down videos criticizing him. Multiple uploads of one of his videos surfaced, some of which contain quite the tale relating to him.

Images of him floated around, but they're now gone because of ED's previous takedowns and Photobucket shitting the bed. Apparently into drag.

The PissedOffVideoGamer

Aka that morbidly obese commentary bandwagon who bashed on the GameCube some time ago. A few years ago he resurfaced and did some commentaries on MarioTehPlumber and others, but it looks like he's gone again. Had a hell of a lot of other profiles too, I just never thought we'd see more of him for a while.

Only thing worse than his lone surviving review was a commentary done on it by FoxtrotDeltaLima497.

Riz Rave Reviews

He was an old contributor to That Guy With the Glasses. He was fired allegedly following a dispute between him and Spoony (yay Riz), and his videos are essentially lost media these days. The only thing remaining of his presence was an edited clip of one of his reviews. He allegedly used an existing Contra review as his own, but this info is now lost, even if it isn't valuable.

The Sega Kid

Alleged to be one of the earliest off-shoots of the angry reviewer craze. Apparently his reviews were so bad that nobody bothered to archive them. They know who he is, but don't want anything more than that to come out. People either mellowed or he buried the lead so well nobody bothered to look into it.

I'm still curious though, his reviews can't possibly be worse than, I dunno, Marlyonama's.


To set the record straight, or to copy off the article, people refer to VIB as Sizzler07, but that was just someone who re-uploaded VIB's review. VIB is infamous for being a child, okay he also did negative reviews of Contra and Mortal Kombat's Genesis port (his head would explode when he plays the Game Boy port). He did a third review, but that's been lost.

I could leave it at that, but he actually returned to YouTube in 2012 and is still active... and now identifies as female, my bad. I believe he was involved in a troll circle I was involved in until it collapsed in on itself. I had thought VIB was driven off at that point, but his last upload was ten months ago.

Reason I did this was because it was amazing where many of these reviewers turned up.


Another one of those reviewers that turned up in 2007. Apparently he was the victim of constant trolling, and he did not take it lying down. He has been through multiple accounts, and for a while I thought he was gone for good, not a trace of his old reviews remained (aside from an edited clip). But in some twist, he became associated with Spax3 (even after earlier days where he bashed Spax during the peak of his more infamous days, but that seems to have dissipated), and rebranded as Super Ace Gamer.

I saw his review of Shovel Knight, and it was pretty damn good, glad he's doing well for himself. Hell, for some reason the Wayback Machine is pretty generous, you can see his very first YouTube account before it got hacked and see what kind of videos he used to make.


To wrap up the TurboGrafx-16 drama, here is the other opponent of Nintega. Seemingly just your run-off-the-mill douchebag, and it's unknown if he actually ever posted video game reviews, just some weird stuff. He is otherwise active on Facebook, and is an example of what James Rolfe should've done, and that was to retire and become a true father.

There's a greater story behind this, but I assume Nintega put this guy on the page to take the piss out of him, but he was so inoffensive that they had to cherrypick.


Essentially an anonymous reviewer who obscured his face for his reviews, otherwise known as David Roger Vega. He did gameplay videos for Goldeneye 007 and made reviews of Double Dragon 3 and Mickey Mousecapades. He also got into beef with AkewsticRockR, but I don't know which side to take. He put his account on lockdown at some point.

But that can't be enough. Apparently he was brought down for stalking a sportscaster, but since became active on Twitch, well last I saw of him anyways.


So, not as big of a bang to end it all, but fuck it. I hope you didn't expect much out of this, if this was my 200th journal special, well I don't really have any fans to disappoint. This has been in the back of my head for years, I wanted to go back to a persistent memory I had, was it worth it? Partly. It satisfied my curiosity, I guess, and I finally understood what led to them getting put on here in the first place, whether they caused drama, were big enough to be taken seriously, or just involved through pre-existing drama, and that not all of them are necessarily tied to game reviews.

It is interesting to go back to this collection of reviewers with new eyes, to see where they were back in the day, and how they have evolved over the years. Have you learned something from this? Probably not.

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