Monday, March 28, 2022

LTA: Overlooked Notable Sonic Fans

Please note: This is going by events that occurred long ago. They do not define who many of these people are these days. Do not try to find and harass them. If by chance anyone I cover sees this list, you have an opportunity to confirm or dispute what was stated, I am well aware you had changed your ways or don't want to be reminded of an old chapter in your lives, this is strictly for educational purposes.

 When I wrote my previous entry, well, previous entry and a impromptu follow up, it got me thinking about infamous Sonic fans who either came into the limelight one way or another, or were too obscure to mention. When I make these entries, I don't intend for them to be scrutinized. They could be victims of circumstance, this could mark a contrast between who they were then and who they became now, it is interesting to get a fingerprint to what someone was like back then.

For instance, on my coverage of Encyclopedia Dramatica's Video Game Reviewers article I was amazed to find a blurb on a pre-Did You Know Gaming? Liam Robertson.

So this is gonna be a collection on infamous Sonic fans that were covered one way or another, as well as a reflection on drama I recalled witnessing and identifying more obscure topics. I won't cover every single one because then we'd be here all day. I'm gonna go by better known individuals first, followed by the obscure ones, and end with a bang.


In the mid-2010s, you couldn't go five pages without seeing something related to AkaiDalia. She was an artist who used a self-insert in her art, shipping it with Sonic and Shadow.... and that was it, beyond any hot takes that can be considered mildly egregious and reactions to negative comments. She drew pornographic art? Okay grandma, eat your oatmeal.

Yeah, I'm not going into as much detail because by the end of it, anything people had against Akai was build solely on discrediting her. I'm willing to accept she had some serious faults, but they couldn't be bad enough to inspire such negativity, and it says a lot when one certain individual perpetuated such hatred.

Akai trades as CobaltPie, and Cobalt, if you're reading this, there is nothing you have to do, you do not need to explain yourself.


Let's just get this out of the way, YoshiWii1 was just a very eccentric individual, and a lot of what was said against him was, in hindsight, incredibly embellished. Regretfully, I had participated in hazing the guy. YoshiWii1 was infamous for the extent he went in expressing his love of the SonAmy (Sonic and Amy Rose) ship, and general interest in Amy Rose.

This was around the time PaulandAmy got busted, so it's fair to see why people got interested, but hear me out. Yoshi considered Amy to be in her 20s, assuming she aged along with the games she appeared in. While this is a stretch, in his mind he believed Amy was of age, which is why he conducted himself the way he did.

Anything else like the reaction against gift art did not fully define why people went after the guy, I wanted to hone in on the one thing people went after the most.

Ever since then he had left the internet and disassociated himself from Sonic cold turkey, and honestly I can't blame him. Anything I had said in the past can be used as a personal lesson, and to mark me moving past who I was in the past, beyond any brief episodes.


I'm gonna describe her the way she was meant to be described. It wasn't about criticism, and it reflects how disgusting this era was. Elizabeth was a young girl who was known for her attitude, otherwise owed to a lifestyle that didn't provide a healthy outlet for her to come to grips and develop proper coping mechanisms.

Needless to say, people online didn't help matters. Still shook from the advent of Sonic recolors, people harassed Elizabeth, and because of the aforementioned lack of awareness and coping mechanisms, she had reacted angrily. When you look deeper into this, it was really about people bullying a girl who would always react, and they base their harassment on something incredibly minor. For a modern example, look up OnlyJayus.

There was an old commentary made by Rion Rhino Mills on a reaction to a commentary made reacting to a voice chat Elizabeth participated in, where two girls basically harassed her, and it was disgusting. I didn't take part in the call, but I also made reaction journals relating to her, I'd find and remove those, but given how broken dA's journal system is I'd fry my laptop's memory just to find them all through constant deep scrolls.

Needless to say, if you were a part of the dA ranting community, if you had any sense you would've stepped back from it entirely after what happened here. I just wish I had learned from that soon.


They say don't meet your heroes. I'd say don't get to know your heroes, and Sonic93 is a good example of that. Sonic93's legacy had otherwise been reduced to nothing, she was best known for her AkaiDalia and YoshiWii1 rants, but as we saw they amounted to harassment, 85% of the time at least, that's basically toilet fodder now.

Even in her prime, I considered her annoying, insightful for my then teenaged mind, but a bit annoying. So when I discovered she was getting flack for an incredibly poor rant about a Silver fan who dared to acknowledge flaws a character had, along with reacting to a review basically criticizing Silver, I just checked out reactions to it.

She was like an appendix, one of these days she was gonna rupture, and boy did she. When it became clear the odds were no longer in her favor, she deleted her entire account. I was able to save two of her videos on my archive channel, but due to the sudden closure I was unable to save her video on Dumbsville, who for the record you should check out his take on Sonic93 to get a better grasp on who she was and how hard she fell, if she ever had anywhere to fall in hindsight.


Fair warning, some of these are gonna be brief because I was not around to soak in what made them infamous. Some were either tarred out of popularity or something with minimal infamy.

And she is looking to not be infamous, just famous.

Kylee Henke, to give her her full name, was a prominent Sonic and anime artist. She was also something of a self-insertionist who put herself in most Sonic scenarios, and worst case didn't handle criticism well. Otherwise she had such a big fanbase she was tarred for association. As an outsider, I can say she is a decent artist, and is otherwise not as toxic as more contemporary big artists, maybe at best very eccentric and lacking in hindsight in some areas.

She seems to be doing pretty well for herself these days. I may be missing a bigger picture, and damn, this was back in the late-2000s/early 2010s, people from the time are probably old or dead now... This is a partial completionist run, so I'd be talking about her regardless.

Maybe she got the ED treatment because she was so popular? Do not go to harass her.

Brian Walmer

Brian Walmer, aka BW rosas, is weird, very weird. At least back then, a lot of his videos have the vibe of a serial killer's mad ramblings, as well as fixations on cartoons with furry protagonists. Guy seems like a huge rabbit hole not worth going into. Most I saw of callouts was one guy who focused on Brian's dislike of Ian Flynn.

Oh yeah, the guy could harbor interest in Gadget from Chip & Dale and Sally Acorn, but criticizing Ian Flynn is worse than murder, otherwise the guy is doing less effort than me in describing the guy, and showing me how territorial Archie Sonic fans are.

The issue is that Brian didn't do much to establish a personality beyond what became associated with him, it's almost surreal. Try checking out some of his vlogs and tell me what vibes you get when you see them. The Sonic connection is somewhat fleeting, but is a relative part of his brand.


Interesting fact, this guy was my second watcher on deviantArt, and at the time I was unaware of who he truly was.

From a surface level perspective, Louis is a die-hard Sonic SatAM fan who is more trigger-happy than most activists. Take Spax3's activism and Richard Kuta's love of Sonic SatAM and there you go. He is basically poison to any faction of any fandom, embodying the one percent that screams louder than anyone else. Has enough energy to cause a small riot if enough people are willing to listen.

Most I saw of him was during the heyday of Archie Sonic. Now, I hate Archie Sonic for its reliance on cliches and how territorial fans of it are, but he hates it out of passion for the characters. Think of that what you will.

He also had a long lost YouTube channel, where he got into beef with proto-trolls and more notably a victim of trolling who tried to pass himself off as a troll, but made a big ass of himself. Guess I had to be there. I was able to find one of Louis' old videos, and it was in the same way Christorians found the then lost CWC is Angry video, on Veoh.


This one is both incredibly obscure, and another key individual associated with BlackBusterCritic in some way. He didn't get covered because a Sonic Brain Fart wasn't made on him, though you could argue that he deserved coverage because he was responded to, well, better late than never.

Info on Suna is harder to come by than you'd think. I know he made two videos, both of which were covered, albeit by different users. To get the more obscure one out of the way, I don't remember the exact content in it, and the one guy who did it had his channel taken down. You're not missing much with that reactor, he was basically a more obnoxious BBC wannabe from Detroit, who revealed his first name on his abandoned Twitter, and seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth in 2016.

Suna's more infamous video centered on defending Charles Hamilton, leading to a five part response, and Suna removing his channel at one point. The response is floating out there, and I'd be doing no justice trying to sum it up near verbatim.

All else I can say is Suna spelled backwards, is anuS.


Recolors. You see one, you've seen them all. I was gonna reserve this spot for one other similar person, but we'll get to him shortly. Gyro's on here because he was quite infamous in his heyday.

Gyro was a speakonia commentator who used a Sonic recolor as his avatar, didn't respond well to criticism, okay what else is there to say? He had this low quality sprite series that may be lost to time, couldn't take criticism, claimed to be a troll but people didn't really buy it. Had a list of the hottest Sonic characters but this was made to soothe his ego. 

Included for the sake of inclusion, moving on.

Bludshot The Hedgehog

Hell yeah, back into obscure characters even I never heard much about. Never heard of him? Don't worry about it. All you need to know is that he had his own series featuring Sonic recolors, and all that seems to be left is a commentary by, of all people, a pre-Did You Know Gaming? Liam Robertson.

"Like can you guys shut up? I'm trying to hear the cringe."

When it comes to describing Sonic recolors, ideally these would be open and shut, beyond certain reactions to criticism. Nevertheless, Bludshot had quickly moved on from this episode of his life and has launched a gameplay channel, while frequently attending cosplay shows. So he has his life together, and shed his dumb teenager(?) phase with relative ease.

Fists the Hedgehog

Before the heyday of Sonic93, though ironically two years after Sonic93 made her YouTube channel, there was this girl. Fists used an OC that is a feminized blue variant of Knuckles (but in some lights a recolored Amy Rose with echidna features) and shipped herself with Shadow. She is basically what people made AkaiDalia out to be, thin-skinned, and also fixative on Shadow the Hedgehog. All you need to know is that multiple people had a go at her, and she would eventually leave.

But as of late, there is now word on what she's been up to, according to the description on her latest YouTube.

"My 6 year old basically took over this account to watch Ryan's World. My account no longer has other purpose. I was semi-famous (for all the wrong reasons) at one point in time before Google bought Youtube, but now I'm almost 30 and a parent of two kids so there's nothing to make content about. Anyone who remembers me, hope you're all well in life, and I'm sorry you had known me as a teenager."

I had never known you that much as a teenager, but I accept your apology anyhow.


I don't know how she got noticed, but she clearly pissed someone off and fierce. Most I got from her article were small bouts of hypocrisy, using autism as a defense and was a surface level drama whore, whose connection to Sonic is incredibly fleeting. Who knows? Maybe she came back and learned from her mistakes and right now I'm reminding her of a period she'd soon like to forget.

Why am I even talking about someone too obscure to care about? Well I found something kinda funny. She was a huge fan of SonicRocksMySocks, she loved her so much she decided to plagiarize one of her drawings. Her's is at the top, come to your own conclusion:


Call it guilt by association. LinkAndRutoFan was partially covered by the BlackBusterCritic in a series dedicated to calling out crappy deviantArt users. This was on one relating to AnimeActionGuy, who was infamous for tracing over stills from classic anime and passing it off as his own work, as well as creating new Sonic characters by tracing over stills from the Sonic OVA.

That would be bad enough, tracing, and since he tried to sell them as prints that makes it much worse, but on LinkAndRutoFan, he happened to like what AnimeActionGuy did with his Sonic tracings, this is/was a part of his brand, growing attached to fan characters. It doesn't help that his interests set him in low numbers, I mean I'm not one to judge people for liking Thomas the Tank Engine, but try and do things that set you above that interest.

All I can say is, he hasn't gotten better, but he hasn't gotten worse.


And now to end with a bang. Okay, some more seasoned readers may know who this is, but he was the only person I haven't covered yet to reach such infamy.

Bryan Beaubien had been on the internet since 1998, that's right, before a lot of you were even born. PsyGuy was behind a number of Sonic web comics, an edgy cliche ridden Sonic fanfic called Chaos Diamonds 3, an early sprite comic called That's My Sonic, and a wider range gag of the hour comic called GG Guys.

Was he influential? Did he inspire a lot of people? Was he a big celebrity? All I know is that he turned out to be a groomer, and pedophile. I'd make a joke about Chris' mom being of age, but that'd be incredibly insensitive and sick. Not to go unnoticed, he was cancelled to hell and back, try to rebrand himself, but as of now it looks like he threw in the towel.

There is more to him I might've missed, but there was all you needed to know, no devil's advocate, no sir.

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