Wednesday, July 12, 2023

LTA: GamingMagic13

 For those in the know about him, in the event he does anything irredeemable, or is tied to anything more salacious than poor conduct, I will retract what I say in this post and it will be promptly removed. Whatever I say is based on what is already known.

GamingMagic13 is a content reviewer perhaps most infamous for doing an overly long review of Toy Story 4, regardless of whether the film is good or bad, along with some pretty poor takes and how he handled them, these occurring throughout the previous year for better or worse. I first heard of GamingMagic13 through a review and let’s play he did of Dragon’s Lair 3D. Not gonna lie, it’s a great game, dead ass, and it was cool that it was getting such dedicated exposure.

I didn’t know about the worst of him until well after, and even then all I heard was stabs at Trevor (GM13) in passing. He seems like quite the head case... although I don't think he's down for the count just yet.

Yes I am aware he made a six consecutive hour rant on Toy Story 4, yes I’m aware he is far from respectful on different opinions, yes I’m aware of his bad takes, yes I’m aware things can get repetitive in his longer reviews and absolutely angry, but who hasn't at some point on YouTube? When you're passionate about something it would blur your better judgement because you put your all into expressing it, you felt strongly about this and it'd be harder to hear others out because you'd believe they don't see what you have. Not saying that as a defense, but to hopefully give you an idea on why shit like this happens. In a word, it's pride.

Trevor, for better or worse, is clearly passionate about the movies he covers, and to his credit the movies he reviewed where his shit hit the fan rode off of existing properties and thus had a lot that needed to be addressed, at least in principle. If he was just raging about a movie that exists in isolation with no connection to anything then fine, I see your point. He nitpicks, and there're times it's not necessary, but in a way nitpicking can help reinforce your argument if you have one. I can imagine most movies he covers could improve based on his claims, indirectly though, like what he said about Bo Peep. He goes on and on about her, and I'd think, yeah, it would be interesting to see what traits she would take up after being separated from the other toys, but the movie bungled that by having her pick up those traits before she was taken away.

I mean it makes more sense than applying the continuity of Toy Story shorts to the movie. Other than that, he has a point, but most of the time he goes about expressing that point the wrong way. You say gaslighting, I say they didn't want a particularly feminine female demonstrating that much weakness.

So, not being respectful of other opinions being rooted in passion and pride, going into the crux of his review style, but what about the length? Let me say this, Trevor isn't the only one guilty of this. Not everything can be summed up on a surface level, especially when most things ride off the back of many long past, or have endeared for so long, there needs to be context, arguments, and a demonstration of apt in your research. Either TikTok killed everyone's attention spans or review culture is starting to become worse than it already is.

Now for his hot takes. He considers games like Sonic Heroes and Mario 64 to be shit, apply the pride argument here. I'd be a hypocrite for calling him out because, let's face it, I enjoy a lot of stuff that is outright rejected by the public, Trevor hates most of what is loved by the public, including me, I even had a collection of written posts to that effect bashing Teen Titans, I'd have no leg to stand on.

There's also the matter of how old he is. Apparently he began his YouTube career in 2014 at the age of 11, with a let's play of an Indiana Jones game. The Toy Story 4 videos and those he makes his hot video game takes came out last year. Do the math, he would've been around 19 or 20 when he made those videos. Now, why am I going this route? Buckle up, bear with me. You mature physically at that age, but do you mature mentally? Let me refer to the concept of a 90s hangover. A 90s hangover is used to describe how elements of the prior decade bled into the early-2000s, certain shows coming out in the last leg of that decade kept going, certain fashions, trends and bands were still wildly popular, etc.

Where the hell am I going with this? It's sorta like when you enter your adult years. You just get right into it physically, but you still embody traits of your younger years. You don't become entirely mature mentally because you've yet to experience the full rigors of adult hood. When you're 18, you still have to go to school, college to be exact, and most of the time college students are just embracing their full transitions into maturity without much critical thought to match. For all we know, Trevor lacked much critical thought when going into his videos, still taking traits of what he was when he was younger. It's usually around 21 or 22 that you gradually mature mentally, as you take on the rigors of adulthood, you had finished college or are in your senior year, and you take on new responsibilities.

Okay, if you don't buy that, how about this? At least he wasn't 30 when he made those videos, that would've been far more pathetic frankly and I'd be siding against him in that regard, make no mistake.

But, back to Toy Story 4, let's be real, it's not that good of a movie, honestly I'd say it's hardly good at all. I've seen part of the first Toy Story, but I've seen all of Toy Story 2 and 3, and when I heard of Toy Story 4, frankly I was bewildered it actually existed. So, in Trevor's defense he's not going after a beloved movie, but he just went about it in the worst way.

Now, there's the matter of him taking a cartoon too seriously and getting angry over it. Yes that's a fair argument to make, but honestly I find stuff like that more entertaining. They may just be playing up the anger for laughs, of course there's always that one guy saying AVGN did it better because he can do no wrong and he always needs to be held high enough to sniff god's anus- see what I mean on hypocrisy? Honestly, cartoon reviewers that want to be taken seriously, and go into dramatic breakdowns is far more pathetic because it's clear they take cartoons too seriously enough for them to imply it hurts them on a mental level, against what seems to be a throwback to the days of angry reviewing. Pick your poison.

By the end, at his best, Trevor is passionate about the movies he covers, a little too passionate, and unable to keep his mouth shut on stuff that could come back to bite him, but who knows? Maybe he'll learn to be better about it. There're small glimmers of him being a bit respectful, but that's just what I've seen.

For now, Trevor isn't the only controversial YouTuber I like, and as long as he hasn't done anything like dox or groom someone, and as he's technically young if my mental maturity theory holds water, he's not down for the count just yet, and he has managed to maintain respectable ratios on his videos, well his Toy Story 4 master post managed to keep one, I haven't seen the individual videos to know just for the record.

If you're not into GamingMagic13, more power to you, I can understand why, but that's just my business.

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