Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Worst Rap Metal Band Ever

Despite factors behind it, it still counts.

Throughout the late-90s and early-2000s, chances are you probably heard a nu metal song on the radio, at least once in your life. Nu metal was an off-shoot genre of metal that got inspiration from alternative metal bands like Helmet, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Rage Against the Machine and Mike Patton. People absolutely hated the genre, and the bands I mentioned didn't want anyone to forget that. Screw metal with rap and downtrend guitars, let's listen to the same goddamn shit over and over again like the big boys want us to.

(people like them hate change, why else did Nine Inch Nails and Tool never change their game by a significant amount and why did people bitch and moan about Helmet and Machine Head going in new directions? (okay I'm more than happy to shit on Machine Head these days but that's not the point.))

What do I think of the genre? It's alright. They produced some pretty creative music videos, I could make it through entire songs without tearing my ears out, and as long as we're not talking about straight up rap rock it'll stay as stated. But don't get me wrong, I could call out a shit band when I see it, and that's what I'll soon get into, right after some stretching.

Before I fully get into the true worst rap metal band of all time, I'd just like to get some candidates out in the open and give you a chance to make your own opinion. Here're three bands I previously considered to be the worst rap metal/nu metal bands of all time.

First, there was Endo. I heard of them through Encyclopedia Dramatica where they deemed the band the worst ever. I went on to iTunes to get a better idea, heard some of their songs for the first time and I held the stigma. But then I heard the songs again and they actually grew on me. Truth be told they were actually able to hold their own, and were more than willing to try new things. Here're two songs by them, one from their first album, one from their second.

Next there's Grade 8, a band that threw their hat into the ring in 2003, the last year when nu metal was still relatively acceptable. I was more than willing to write these guys off as the worst nu metal band of all time but... insert what I said about Endo. They made a pretty unique music video though.

Lastly before the main course, I was also ready to consider Lifer to be the worst nu metal band of all time. A while back I made a status post discussing the worst nu metal music video of all time, which happened to be by Lifer (just shots of them around town and performing, quite a far cry from what other one time nu metal bands could accomplish.

Intersting bit of trivia, the bassist and guitarist from Lifer would go on to form Breaking Benjamin.

Here's the video to catch you up to speed.

Okay, enough stalling. Ear2000, they're the worst rap metal/nu metal band of all time. Here's why along with a little backstory.
To get you up to speed, Ear2000 was a band that existed between 1997 and 2000. One of the key members was David Arquette, a man who seemingly did it all and is practically America's equivalent to Beat Takeshi. Ear2000 never released any albums of their own and essentially vanished without a trace. The only way you could hear their songs is if you listen to the soundtracks for Scream 2 and Scream 3, which Arquette was a part of.

The band released two songs, two imaginatively titled songs. Click Click (not to be confused with Click Click Boom by Saliva) and The Race. Before you go any further, listen to the songs which are right below.

Rapping on par with Shaquille O'Neal, brain-dead lyrics on par with a Lifer song, if these guys got onto the radio, they would've killed nu metal before it got flooded by one-two time artists, David Arquette would've been as hated as Nickelback and maybe nu metal would still maintain its dignity and make its critics sound like whiny geezers, who knows?

All I know is that Ear2000 is the worst rap metal band of all time. But to be honest, maybe Arquette knew deep down, or he just lacks shame. Sorta explains why he was part of a Creed music video.

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