Tuesday, March 9, 2021

LTA: 05jstone

 I'll admit, I probably won't have anything new to bring to the table when it comes to 05jstone, but while I can't say anything new, I can say it in a new way, not to mention my posts on 05jstone got more attention than my tweets usually do, so why not switch things around.

The Guy

Jake Stone is a Loud House fan and artist who first came to prominence when a rant was made on him by ThePackagedReviewer, who focused in on one key aspect, though to be fair it makes up what Stone is on about.

The Loud House fandom... suuuuuuuuuuks..., but for a while I tried to hang in, though it seems fate was desperate to get me to quit, and in spite of Loudcest being a thing, it was Stone who made me kick the show for good. At least Loudcest gave us interesting characters, and somehow its haters are just as cringey as its supporters. Yeah I said it.

If there's one thing that turns me off, it's activism, especially blind activism, and the fact that there would be people who're okay with the kind of activism this guy is pumping out was enough to kill whatever faith I had in the show.

I'm getting ahead of myself because a lot of you may know the story, but for the sake of context here's a refresher.

The Loud House, which is grinding on at this point, decided to switch things up by aging up the characters. This is actually a brilliant idea. If The Loud House is gonna get the Simpsons bug, at the very least they could work in new ideas and new characters and explore new issues.

But that's the worst thing to ever happen apparently. For perspective, the guy isn't over the top enough to be considered a troll, and people like ToonEGuy prove that there are people who're that insane. Jake resorted to a hashtag, a petition and a call to action for a protest, all because they wanted to age the characters up.

And I put it to that level because that's what his primary hashtag amounts to.

This harkens back to the days of AKnotholeResident, earlier MrEnter and Spax3, but even they learned from their mistakes.

I won't go on about every detail, I just wanna focus on his philosophy and what he's the most focused on with his campaign.

Likes them Young

Lori and Luan, even Lily a bit, are who he focuses on the most in this campaign. He doesn't want Lori to go to college because then it'd "ruin the team."

Now look, I get family dynamics, I know about the Kankers, I know about the Greasers, but those groups have every reason to remain together. For the Louds, they're a basic real family... who happen to have eleven kids, so for the sake of realism, sorry Jake, you'll be seeing Lori through Zoom for a while.

I'll get into his stance on realism soon enough.

Lily is a part of this too, but not as much, it did make for a good tweet where what he said and his activism made it look like he's into babies.

He's also apparently into fat-shaming, because he wants to change Simon, interestingly wanting to use a design made by JaviSuzumiya.

Luan is the most interesting, he is adamant on her not going to high school, I mean seriously, a stark bulk of his idiotic memes, even some horrendous deviations are dedicated to the evils of Luan going to highschool.

Like why, why!? Why did I suddenly get angry?

I could leave well enough alone with him not wanting to age up the characters in general, but as said before, this is his biggest focus.

For the sake of getting to the bottom of this, I decided to dig through his deviantArt account for more information.

Luan Complains, see it while you can, I don't want those images in my downloads.

Quick summary, Luan, obviously well out of character, attacks the producer of the Loud House. Points for not killing him but you put yourself in negative numbers by going down the producer rant path. After changing screens multiple times (bear in mind I have the stomach for surface level cringe, and Jake somehow makes my stomach turn.)

What I got from it, and this is one of the few areas where I can get the meat of this whole kerfuffle... He just hates them growing up. He does claim that Lynn would be alone in her school... what, do you have no faith in them being independent, their own thing? Well at least he doesn't hate Lynn for no reason. He claims it's not realistic, but it's by his own definition....

All I really got from this is rampant pettiness. Also she hates a new haircut a recurring character has apparently.

You know, one year isn't that bad, Lincoln still has one last year of being a kid. Are you afraid Luan will become hardened when it comes to how bad high school is? Then why aren't you concerned for Luna, this really is sheer pettiness.

But we'll get back to this soon.

Cartoons R Dumb

Referring back to his apparent hatred of realism, Jake seems to have a very low opinion of cartoons in general, though not expressed the way you'd expect. Jake considers good cartoons to be of the slapsticky, dumb joke variety.

He treats this cartoon featuring real kids, going about their real lives, with real plots that go by real aesthetics as if it's just another one of those golden age turds (or Animaniacs/Tiny Toons if you wanna go for grander corruption)

Cartoons have come a long way from the shit he used to watch on those beat-up public domain tapes his parents bought from the bargain bin. If he'd see something like The Owl House, his head would explode, provided it doesn't get separated from his collarbone by fans of it.

He became too used to the more dated dumb comedy from past shorts and applied it to the Loud House, so when they decided to take a more realistic approach, he lost his shit.

It's clear he doesn't see the Loud siblings as anything but a single entity, then again, many of the Louds are the sum of their parts, so he just views them as cartoony archetypes and little more. This also shows in his barren episode ideas, which he is cocky enough to wanna pitch to the writers.

If they had it his way, the show would've become stagnant and everyone would've become bored with it, but hey, anything to keep Luan out of high-school I guess.

Unintentionally Creepy Connotations

Since the show would have its way regardless... what're the stakes here? They may become a year older but would it really change them that much? If anything, a year up would give them some extra dimensions. Lori would focus on her potential future, Leni would try to smarten up as now she's the oldest still in the household, Lynn would try to become more caring while Luan would try and become more serious... and I'm drawing a blank for all else.

I don't like making allegations, but his adamancy on complaining about something so trivial and focusing on such minute aspects leads to some dark thoughts.

On Twitter, Jake posted a quote tweet on something containing a naked Lily (facing away from the viewer for the record), and along with his hashtags, he said "The REAL Lily Loud", and through replies, affirmed how much he wanted to keep Lily as a baby.

With his constant focus on Luan, and others technically, one thing pops into mind. He likes them young. With no other reason than the fact he claims realism doesn't belong in cartoons, some would have to assume.

What else is there? Along with some slight perversion with the etc. imagery he shares.


For those of you who used to follow Sonic93 and defected from her, you're probably thinking, this is setting up to be another YoshiWii1 situation, where all we did was harass a guy who was weird at worst.

The difference between Yoshi and Jake is that Jake is on a proverbial high horse with his activism, this is his entire brand, and with him bringing up Nickelodeon's address and his campaign, this won't be enough for him.

As of now, Jake has little qualities for me to feel sorry for him. He's in his own world and even blocks people who're more blunt in their disagreement toward him, he's basically asking for it at this point, and constructive criticism would no longer cut it at this point.

1 comment:

  1. I have also read his episode ideas,and I can he doesn't understand what is The Loud House about since the latter episodes introduce ideas like mermaids,ghosts,an mayan themed supervillain...
    In conclusion they feel less like TLH episodes and more of another cartoon like Ducktales
