Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Top 2 Worst Finales/Last seasons

Worst Last Season 2: ChalkZone

I love ChalkZone, still do to this day, but the latter seasons are hardly anything to write home about, hell, I plan on doing a review of the show's Christmas special one of these days. I was hunting for clips featuring one character and was led to the show's fourth season, and it didn't fill me with confidence.

Rudy isn't necessarily the most mature character out there, but it wasn't as noticeable as previous seasons. Around season 3, it becomes a bit more obvious, and if you grew up with the older episodes it's whiplash in the sincerest form of the word. It doesn't fill me with confidence.

The fourth season is even worse as by then it was clear they were scaling back financially. This season, the show was outsourced to Yeson Entertainment and the animation style took a dive. Ironically, Yeson produced the animation for Fairly Odd Parents but got replaced by Elliott Animation in their last season.

Worst Finale 2: The Cleave (Star Vs. The Forces of Evil)

It's expected, but this hit hard for me because of the reason why it came about, something that wound up harming the show beforehand as well.


Okay many of you know it, but take it from someone who actually... kinda like the show earlier on. Shipping Star and Marco was the only takeaway many viewers had from this show, they didn't care about anything else, a character got shat on because she served as an obstacle (a modern day Sally Acorn if you will), they threw a spike into the LGBT name by making up a gay character just to prevent Starco from being ruined (and I'm more mad on the reason for the creation, we need more gay characters with better development, it's about time)

Then, everyone essentially dies. There's no getting around that, the world dies, but hey, our brainless ship fantasy came true. Starco was essentially a timebomb that went off by the end of the series. This is why we should be as distant from our fans as humanly possible.

Worst Last Season 1: Ed, Edd n' Eddy

This season was so bad it served as a basis for why I hated the show for a brief period of time. I like Big Picture Show, but as a finale... it's like a 69 out of 100 for me, especially with how shitty season five was. Hell, the unmade season 6 episode aired after this so Big Picture Show can't even be considered the last episode.

It feels like this season was born out of someone getting so butthurt over the depressing conclusion of the fourth season that they had to carry it on however they could, and it wasn't worth it.

What could be said about it? Characters got worse overtime, it made me hate Edd, Ed's too obnoxious to be likable, Danny Antonucci didn't direct one episode and shit went south fast, it had the worst Kanker episode by far (other times the Eds did something wrong for them to come by, otherwise serving as an unforutnate obstacle.), half the time they don't even do anything particularly wrong and get shit on.

Even as a kid these episodes pissed me off, just like Foster's.

 Worst Finale 1: Graduation (Malcolm in the Middle)

Depending on your upbringing, this episode aged poorly, already ending on a pretty dark note. On the surface, it felt like a rushed letdown that is only slightly in the same spirit as the very show it was part of, on the other, it paints a very dark picture.

No matter what, you will be under your bitch of a mother's thumb, she will be the boss of you now and forever and so big of a part, all yes, and none of the nos, maybes or I don't knows.

Malcolm would have to suffer more in life, so that maybe, just maybe, he can become president, like that'd make anything easier, take a few notes from Donald Trump, or George Bush, or Lyndon B. Johnson, or James Buchanan, or Abraham Lincoln, or George Bush, or Bill Clinton. No matter what good you do, people will still view you lowly and try to destroy you.

No matter how you view it, they basically tell you to suck up whatever life throws at you, but people only make it by if they have some reprieve. It's bound to be hell for Malcolm until he's ready to run for governor, may even hit the sauce once the monotony breaks in.

Compared to other ahole parents on Fox sitcoms, Lois has to be one of the worst. Any sympathy the writers expect us to have for her stems only from the struggle of raising children. Red Forman wasn't this bad, neither was Ken Titus or Bernie Mac.

Red actually liked Eric and at the very least his behavior came from his upbringing (he was a typical conservative dad who fought in the war.) Ken basically had an alternative way of keeping his kids in line and didn't force Christopher into one certain path, in fact, him being hard on Christopher pushed him to do what he can to make his father proud and continue to, and he did it with something he's passionate about. Bernie Mac held his kids to the same standard, and Jordan was the kind of kid who needed some pushes earlier on.

Point is, their acts had some merit to them, Lois had none, and by the end of it, there wasn't even any nothing left. If you live a life without fulfillment, where you're too afraid to share what you're passionate about because someone's anticipating some chiding, this will strike a nerve.

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