Sunday, January 3, 2021

Worst Reviews Ever

It's easy to throw shit at reviewers nowadays, though it's becoming less common due to so many reviewers appealing more to familiarity and hemorrhaging for views rather than dishing out genuine opinions (with the amount of crappy CGI movies Saberspark covers, something tells me he helped make one years ago and is still proud of it.)

People can single out the personality behind the reviews, as the reviews themselves give us an idea on what someone is like behind the scenes, but sometimes a review can be just as shitty as they are, or they just fucked up at one point and it's hard to dismiss.

Er, fuck it, here're six reviews I find to be quite crappy, including some umbrellaed ones.

Marlyonama: Tentacolino

Starting off small, here's something a bit more obscure. Marlyonama is unique in that she's one of the few female reviewers on YouTube. But that's rendered meaningless due to the fact that her videos are cringe (I mean the more infamous ones anyhow.)

Marlyonama emerged around the time Nostalgia Critic did his review of Legend of the Titanic and refused to do the sequel. It was there that I discovered many new reviewers like WhyBoy and Bobsheaux, and while the former mostly evolved, the latter became stagnant. I mean it checks out, this review came out in 2012, and... it sucked.

It was below the par of other reviews from the time, and it got to the point a commentary was made on it by RickyRay102. Marly isn't the sweetest pot of honey on the shelf, as a matter of fact she's quite passive aggressive, as at one point she left a nice comment on the commentary, then did a negative reaction not long after.

For perspective, it wasn't just that one video, apparently a commentary was also done on her FoodFight! review, this time by DoodleTones, call that a preventative measure for a one-sided hatred claim.


BaseballSam1 was fairly known back in the day, and he still makes new videos though he is now off the radar. Once you see one BaseballSam video, you basically get the gist.

Sam had low production values, footage was recorded off of his phone. Plus he recycled opinions shared on other cartoons verbatim, each of his videos can be considered one in the same.

This guy is lower on the list because the one review I saw of him, the only reason I didn't make it all the way was because it was on Teen Titans Go. If I hated the show as much as everyone else I probably would've made it through.

Otherwise, this is to label all of Sam's crappier content to his old channel. His production has improved quite a bit since then, though I can't say how much else he had improved everywhere else.

MrEnter: Da Boom Crew

On the off-chance you assume I'm blindly defending enter because I'm referring to many of his detractors as starting a new trend of A-Logs, I'm going by what Enter is now, not what he used to be. Enter's videos could be divided into four camps, his avatar videos where he appears when narration isn't needed, his original videos where he was just starting out (bored and uninteresting), his intro videos, where a bulk of his old cringe come from (these Animated Atrocities had the opening), and his episode title-card reviews (the ones with red and black title cards)

That era was where he started ramping up the anger, and I feel his review of Da Boom Crew at that point was the worst of it. In the past, I actually managed to get through Enter's older videos because I held a similar mindset to the people who watched him back then, but I couldn't make it through his Da Boom Crew review.

Let's get this out of the way, it gets repetitive real fast, and something tells me he hadn't tried to find the context in most of what's going on. Sad thing is, Da Boom Crew is a crappy show, but the review isn't any better. If Enter continued to make videos this way, I wouldn't have warmed up to him and I'd see things through the perspective of his detractors, but frankly he had improved since then, and everyone's stuck with minor hiccups and past follies, hoping and praying they could keep the hate-wagon alive.

Game Dude: Just About Anything

I don't hate the Irate Gamer. It seems many people have moved on from hating him, some even considering his videos welcome compared to where AVGN is now (and this is coming from someone who still watches AVGN). At worst, Chris isn't as honest when it comes to using CAMEO for his celebrity features, but that's about it.

If there's one AVGN clone I do hate however, it's Game Dude. People were so focused on how he ripped off the AVGN, that they practically missed the deeper parts of it, I mean Encyclopedia Dramatica did, and they're usually on the ball. To get you up to speed, Game Dude was a stalker who was actually taken to court for it, before fleeing the country afterwards (though it's rumored he had likely come back.)

While his production values were surprisingly decent, given that he was a film student (albeit one who would frequently re-edit his student projects, much like how he took down reviews that didn't obtain four stars or higher.), it didn't change the fact that his reviews were shitty and sucked ass. People said his Sonic 06 review was good, but then again any review of it is good just as long as you say how bad it is.

Jokes felt forced, he had a habit of shitting on newer adaptations of classic game icons in order to score appeal, plus he shat on lesser known games just for the hell of it. That's really all that could be said about him, everything he has ever done was shit. I couldn't even find a review worse than the others, so here's just a small taste

2: MoBrosStudios' SpongeBob Reviews

MoBrosStudios' SpongeBob review videos have held up poorly for me. I remember watching them when they were new, back when all I had to worry about was school, he was also the guy who got me into YouTube Poops for a while, and cultivated a negative aspect of the cartoon community that persists to this very day.

Why do we have people militantly pining for the older episodes (at least a lot back then)? MoBrosStudios reaffirmed their importance by treating the later seasons like they were the worst thing ever (now yeah those seasons aren't up to par, frankly the more expressive later episodes make me sick), his projection reaches whining standards, and he's a reason MrEnter's older videos were so garbage.

MoBrosStudios, being one of the pioneers of more ambitious YTPs, had influence, and when it comes to SpongeBob SquarePants, he can bring anyone any way, and MrEnter seemed to be one of them. Well, not by much, just using a term coined by MoBros in his SpongeBob videos, what was it called? Squidward Torture Porn? Why did he call the writers by name in his reviews? Well MoBros did the same in his SpongeBob videos, particularly Aaron Springer.

The reason why I brought up how MoBros and Nostalgia Critic influenced Enter is because of those influences, Enter cultivated a personality that led people to hate him to this very day. Thanks to how he happened to be years ago, people will continue to use him as a means of boosting their own self-esteem. I'm not harping on MoBros, believe me I'm not, he has improved ten fold in terms of reviewing in his Anim8Ball videos, but his earlier content had done more harm than good in the long run.

At large, these videos feel immature in a way, trying to embellish aspects that were less awful and more just mindless. Not to mention, he takes SpongeBob continuity too seriously, well one time he did, he based SpongeBob and Sandy's karate prowess entirely on Karate Choppers. Not to mention, he placed Rodeo Daze as number two on one of his lists, when it was the least offensive of all the other episodes. One aspect? He was mad that the town didn't rally together to help. Thinking about that, I want so bad to see a show parody the whole town coming to help cliche by having them abandon important aspects just for the sake of one guy. It was a stupid episode, but there were plenty other episodes that deserved to rank at 2 in that list.

These reviews are the equivalent of Sonic 93's old rants, good for the time, but wound up doing more harm than good, though at least MoBros' old channel is still open.

Some of these videos are gone, so here's the first part of the one that started it all

TommyPezmaster: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs: The Series

We started with relative obscurity, we end with relative obscurity. TommyPezMaster isn't just a bad reviewer, but a sight to behold everywhere else. You won't find his reviews on YouTube, but they are on his Vimeo. Tommy strikes me as someone who'd shoot up a store in Canada (because he hates that country so much) and doesn't even know the meaning behind half of his inspirations.

All I got from him is that he hates CatDog and ChalkZone, two great shows, but his reasoning is poor. He assumes CatDog is reliant on toilet humor, and he hates Canadian-sounding guys, which accounts for coherence in his ChalkZone review. I tried to have an open mind when looking up his reviews, so I looked for a review on a show I hardly care about. Then came Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I wasn't a fan of the movie, so when it got a TV spin-off... I could've cared less, but it does look very bad, maybe I can focus less on a difference in opinion and just see how he goes on about it.

I stopped watching at the start of a gag where he would insert an anime intro when one character spoke. This felt like a parody of the old MrEnter, but he was desperate to make his own thing to. He claims something is mean spirited, but he doesn't put it to what happens in the episode he's covering, he claims to censor some aspects, but we don't know what (unless this was just him ripping something from another reviewer)

The scary thing is, I cut out after four to five minutes, there could be so much more wrong with the review that I don't know about. It's sad really, this looks like it could very well be a very crappy show, what with it being ugly and being on the lazy side when it comes to plots, not like Tommy'd be smart enough to point out something like that.

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