Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Top 3 Worst Reviewers

 So, if some crappy videos weren't interesting enough for you, maybe you'd like to see my picks for the worst reviewers ever? Admittedly I'm doing this to make up for leaving someone deserving of making my previous list out, but it would've been an umbrellaed coverage... which I did two of in that list.

Before I begin, I'd like to make some side-notes. I won't be including MrEnter or Irate Gamer in this list. For the former, it's a given once you take all I said about Enter's hatedom into consideration. If he had continued with his old style from back in the day he would've made the list for sure. For Irate Gamer, even at his worst I still watched a good deal of his videos, and he is in a better spot now than he was back then (no matter what BatDanKnight has you believe.)

Second, on the off-chance people bring up that MoBros has improved, I know that. I even saw his SpongeBob revisits where he acknowledges fault in his original videos (even from the start.), he had improved for sure in terms of reviews. HOWEVER, his old videos still had a hand in molding the cartoon community for what it is now, so I don't blame the creator, just the videos.

So with that said, let's get into more of the same, but slightly different.


He completely flew off the radar in my Worst Reviews list. I don't know where he would've landed, maybe right at the bottom since somehow his content wasn't as low-budget or damaging on an influential basis, then again, Rowdy's been damaged on an influential level.

Rowdy hosts TV Trash, to give you the review series proper. They used to be on Blip TV until that site went belly up, but fortunately his reviews are still up on Vimeo (if you're ever that curious.) I heard about him back when I used to post blogs on Manic-Expression (though it was well after his heyday). I got into several fights with him on Facebook on politics (though that was me popping up when it wasn't necessary.) But honestly given his content, it's not worth dwelling on.

Rowdy was one of many reviewers who took inspiration from Nostalgia Critic, and that influence shows heavily in his reviews. He goes after shows that few have talked about, which is good, but he's angry about them, which is bad. Think Linkara if he decided to just rip off the Nostalgia Critic wholesale.

There's no charm in these reviews, and the sentiment extends to its watchability. I could barely make it through one review I saw by him (The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer), and if you say anything, it's to be expected his other reviews play out similarly. Frankly, the Nostalgia Critic had a negative influence in hindsight, which is why saner reviewers tried to do their own thing or scale back. Those who don't... well I imagine they have to stuff reviews behind a paywall, and a dollar is too much to watch coverage of a film I already know about.

If you know who I'm talking about, that guy isn't so much bad, just stagnant at this point.


Let's be real, PushingUpRoses is the only objectively good female reviewer on YouTube.

Marlyonama is interesting, in that she was one of the earliest female reviewers on YouTube, though it doesn't change the fact that her content is ass and a half. With or without a script, she is unbearable to listen to, any points she brings up are either lifted near-verbatim from other reviewers or are carried out in an over the top way (or at least tries to come off as such, the bad acting ruins that illusion.)

Not to mention, she's not necessarily the prettiest flower in the garden. She lashed out at one commentator who covered her Tentacolino review, even removing one review outright after another person commentated on it. It seems she hasn't improved much either. Frankly I have no idea how much better she is now. The few videos I saw of her basically ruined any hope of me changing my mind on her.

If you really wanna watch her videos, I suggest you check out commentaries made by RickyRay102 and Doodletones on her Tentacolino and FoodFight! reviews, because trust me, hearing other people tear them to shreds would be worth it.


Yeah I know, but trust me, Tommy deserves the title more than anyone else. The first two reviewers here obviously took influence from the Nostalgia Critic, some worse than others. This time, Tommy took influence from MrEnter back when he was trash. But it seems Tommy took more notes from Enter's earlier Atrocity videos than his recent ones (at least that's the idea I got.)

For perspective, I couldn't make it through the one review I saw him post, I dreaded how many times I'd have to see a running gag where he inserts an anime intro whenever one character was about to speak. I have received testimonies which confirm he takes points almost verbatim from MrEnter, few can make sense of his points against many shows, along with various quirks with even his written reviews (comparing two entirely different shows to one another as his tagline for many of his IMDb reviews.), not to mention he likes Saberspark, the first reviewer you find when you just want to look up some crappy CGI movie from your childhood, and very likely sticks to easy targets.

Compared to every other reviewer I know of, how could Tommy not top them all?

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