Tuesday, April 13, 2021

LTA: The Perks of Being a Contrarian

The only reason animation-related content hasn't stagnated is because of the glut of new content. However, it's a different tune with a very similar mix, just praising what's good and going after what's bad, hardly anything ever in-between.

This isn't something that just happens to be, at this rate it feels like it's enforced. Any opinion straying from the norm is met with backlash, and I don't need to mention the pettiness of many a-detractor.

I had talked about he who has been named far too many times because he's currently the most relevant contrarian, and that has been treated as a fuck-up, against other key factors that are worse by comparison.

In this context I bring it up because one thing would lead to another. If we work to suffocate a contrarian review it'd set a bad example, people who know better would be too afraid to offer stronger counter-points to popular opinions, less they want to be edged out and ridiculed.

This goes back to toxic positivity, where people only focus on the good of what they talk about and never the bad, slowly nurturing the more toxic nature of their own fandoms. In this case, reacting harshly if anyone dare say anything negative about something people view positively.

Hell, it borders on cult territory, where excommunication comes from anyone questioning the doctrine.

It goes for the other extreme as well, people are so fine-tuned to major flaws in bad content that they just focus on what's obvious rather than look deeper into the real ins and outs of a film.

This is dangerous, because if we abide to either extreme, only a few different videos would suffice, people would go at you for beating a dead horse or worst case, call you a rip-off, when all we were doing is what the norm was established to be.

At this point, these norms are what's guaranteed for that sweet Patreon moolah.

Eau Contrarian

With how limited the scope of content is, contrarianism is more welcome than anyone is willing to admit. Counter points can help bring an outsider perspective on something, i.e., something new to talk about. Hell, it can show one's dedication to a show/movie as we're able to pick up on every nuance it has, whether it's good or bad.

The world won't end because we dislike some crappy Lauren Faust cartoon, the DC one.

By suffocating the right to a contrasting opinion, you make the reviewscape more authoritarian, and I don't mean like through one comment, I mean a full video where you decide to break away from the mainstream because you feel differently about something.

Everyone is different and is brought up different, so they can associate experiences with the content they watch, hence developing a unique opinion that may or may not be popular.

Extremes shouldn't cut it these days, if you're gonna go at someone for some poorly executed opinions, rather than just go after the opinion, why don't you take a stab at a contrarian review and build a stigma with it, and don't half-ass it.

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