Thursday, April 22, 2021

Real Ghostathon: Doctor Dweeb I Presume? (Slimer!)

 I would've covered this last, but given that the last episode I'm covering on the show proper is where the show technically ended production-wise, I wanna keep things poetic. Call this a bonus.

Around the fourth season of The Real Ghostbusters (season 3 if you rule out the syndication block), owing to the popularity of Slimer (and not authentic popularity, more like "let's hemmorhage in order to get Infinity Train and Glitch Techs more seasons" popularity), as well as general network incompetence, Slimer began playing a bigger role in the show, to the point the show became Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters.

But apparently that wasn't enough, so when it came to an hour long block, a short series was aired between episodes of The Real Ghostbusters, more cartoony and comedic segments starring, well you tell me. I was not too off-put by the episodes I saw thus far, but then again I didn't have that big of an attachment to the show proper. I can agree it was better early on, and it isn't fair to make any statements based on a paltry selection of episodes.

At the very least, I can make a distinction between myself and Phelous on the topic at hand.

Anyhow, on the blocks we'd get three different segments, as these are self-contained, one segment would be enough, and I just picked one by random. All of them were directed by Arthur Vitello, and with that I assume this entire series was his idea.

So... divider

The Slimer shorts incorporate an art-style more indicative to what the network essentially wanted the show to become. It's a little break from what was the norm in broadcast television at the time, but basic all the same.

All I can say about this is... shenanigans. What more can I say about it, honestly? Just Slimer going with Janine so the latter could get a check-up at the doctor, with Dweeb trying to capture him.

This has very little to offer aside from being used to preserve interest before the next episode of The Real Ghostbusters. Not to mention, at least with this episode there's no music. Was this rushed? Was this series produced daily?

Final Thoughts

There frankly wasn't any point to covering this. Regardless of my more lax views on the show as a whole I would've hated this no matter my upbringing. I just wanted to do a complete run I guess.

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